Friday, 31 July 2015

**Blog Tour** Loving the White Liar by Kate Stewart

Loving the White Liar by Kate Stewart
Released July 20

I met my true love when I was twenty-seven. He was handsome, charming, witty, and irresistible. Jayden Monroe came along when I was struggling with
indecision and made things simple, turned monochrome into vivid color, and forever altered my perspective on life.

I was not naive enough to believe in happily ever after, but with Jayden, it seemed possible . . . until I realized something wasn’t quite right.

You see, I met a man who would be anyone I needed him to be, and after I found out that fact, I knew it would be impossible to walk away. His disorder,
however, would change everything I ever thought about love and what it truly meant to accept someone for who they are.

This is not my sob story; this is his success story

“Jayden,” I said in warning.

“Okay.” He let out a long breath. “It’s like a tidal wave that’s impossible to stop. I just get sad and a little scared. It’s not clinical, but it’s rough.
I feel like everything’s wrong. Nothing will get better. You know, hopeless.” I nodded as I felt the discomfort he was feeling from telling me. “It doesn’t
happen a lot, once or twice a year, and it doesn’t last long. It’s not even really a symptom of ADHD. I don’t know. I guess my racing brain just gets tired
and I shut down. It’s all about the chemicals in my brain. You know what ADHD is, right?”

“I’m beginning to think I don’t,” I said honestly. “I started to look it up the other night and then your mom called.”

“My mom called?”

“Yes, we are going to a barbeque Saturday.”

“No shit,” he said, smiling.

Jayden picked up a sponge from the side of the tub and poured some liquid soap on it to suds it up then began rubbing my leg with it. “She’s going to love
you, Hilary.”

“Oh yeah, how do you know that?”

“I know her.” He grinned.

Jayden’s sponge drifted over my stomach as he crept closer to me. Still working his sponge, he managed to lift me by my arms, pulling me into his seated
lap. I felt his growing hardness as I wrapped my legs around him. His muscled arms firmly around me, he used the sponge on my back as he stared into my
eyes. “I missed you.”

“You didn’t have to,” I protested, looking away. I didn’t want to cry again. I didn’t want him to think of me as weak. I wanted him to be able to trust
that I could handle it.

“Look at me,” he ordered gently, gripping me tighter as he continued to bathe me. “I wasn’t there.”

I nodded. “I’ll live. I . . . You didn’t tell me about that part.”

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to explain to the person you are falling for that they might not want to reciprocate your affection because you may on
occasion have an uncontrollable, explosive temper tantrum? Or that you may pop off with inappropriate comments at any point in time that could alienate
them? Oh, and don’t forget the controlling, OCD tendencies with a small, short-lived side of anxiety and depression. Or better yet, how to explain you
weren’t listening to something important they were trying to convey because you were too busy figuring out the difference between jelly and jam.”

“Just like that,” I answered, knowing it wasn’t that simple.

Kate Stewart, a native of Dallas, now resides in Charleston, S.C. She moved to the city three weeks after her first visit, dropping her career of 8 years,
declaring the city her creative muse. Since her move in 2010, she has published two novels, the third Loving the White Liar set to publish July 2015. She
lives with her husband of 8 years, Nick who is featured on the cover of the novel, TITAN. (Set to re-release some time in 2015.)

Her other novels include Room 212 and Never Me which are both available now.

Contact Kate-



Tara's 5***** Review

"There is a saying or maybe a song that goes ‘you always hurt the ones you love’. But, to me, the part they left off is that those who survive those hurts may end up thriving together as a result."

Captivating...raw...emotional...Loving the white liar is amazing!  I have never read a book so real and so full of heart.  Kate had my attention with the first words, and I couldn't stop reading it. I was consumed by Loving the White Liar. 

"There is a saying or maybe a song that goes ‘you always hurt the ones you love’. But, to me, the part they left off is that those who survive those hurts may end up thriving together as a result."

Kate does a REMARKABLE job taking us into the world of ADHD.  Showing us the struggles of living with the disorder, and how it affects everyone involved. The depth that Hilary's character has is refreshing. She is a strong, capable woman who has so much fight and determination in her. Jayden learns how to be strong from Hilary, but he also opens Hilary's eyes to change and shows her it's ok to be weak. 

"A long time ago, worries like this threatened to ruin what I held so dearly: a life with my husband. Now I focused on the everyday, knowing the future would bring me a little of everything."

I'm obsessed with this book!  Loving the White Liar is a unique book that will tug on your heart strings!!  I hope to read more from Kate soon!!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

**Blog Tour** Pandemic Sorrow Series by Stevie J Cole

Pandemic Sorrow Series on Tour

(all 3 books are available individually or in a box set)

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

by Stevie J Cole

Pandemic Sorrow are on Tour.

Oh Boy this is going to get messy!

Jag & Rush are taking the band on tour they will be sharing their sex crazed and downright dirty life with you all.

The life of a rock star is dirty but someone has to do it.

Start with Jag Steele. the lead singer and guitarist of the band Pandemic Sorrow, and he has a drug problem. 

He’s Famous, a rock star, a legend, drug addict & womanizing man-whore.

Then there is Rush, it’s his job to play music that makes girls wet, and then to screw a select few of them. 

He is a professional rocker. He’s rich, famous and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. He has everything - except control.

Come and meet the band if you are brave enough ladies in this exclusive interview:

Interview written exclusively for the Blog Tour

Stevie J. Cole on what it would be like to interview Pandemic Sorrow.

“They’ll be in a few minutes, Tiff. You ready?”

I nod and smile. “Yeah.” Shit. I’m nervous.

Todd opens the door to the conference room but stops to look back at me. “They’re a lot to handle. Just don’t….provoke them or anything.”

“Provoke them, what are they freaking rabid animals?” I laugh.

His gaze trails down to my chest, and his lips lay flat across his face. “No, that’s enough to provoke them. Might want to pull that up a little.”

I huff, and Todd walks out the door. Muffled voices filter through the other side of the door, laughter. Shit. Shit. Shit. I’ve interviewed countless rockers since starting at this magazine company, and I have never been this anxious. I mean, hell, it’s Pandemic Sorrow. Jag Steele, Stone Steele, Rush…and that drummer whose name I can’t ever remember. Jack, Travis…Pax!

The door swings open and my breathing ceases for a second.  Jag struts in. I have never in my life seen a man with so much swagger. He’s dressed in a tight black v-neck, jewelry draped all over him, and his jeans—my eyes instinctually fall to his crotch—holy shit, those pants are tight. 

I‘m so focused on how tight Jag’s pants are that I completely miss the other guys trail in and take their seats.

“It’s real, wanna touch it?” Jag chuckles and I feel my entire face redden.

“Ah, no. Nice gesture and all.”

He shrugs and yanks out his chair, turning it around as he adjusts his junk before straddling it.

I sit, staring around the room. I realize I must look like a complete idiot, and I clear my throat. “So, let’s start with a simple question for each of you. What was the driving force behind your pursuit to fame?

Jag’s lips curve in to a delicious smile. “Pussy. Lots of pussy.”

Rush laughs as he leans over the table toward me. “For me,” his eyes skim down to my low cut top, “the promise of nightly orgies.”

Oh, fuck. I am in for it. I need to divert my attention away from these two whores. Where’s that drummer? I eye Pax, who’s not even looking in my direction. His chin is slumped to his chest, and all I can see is his spikey blonde hair. I think he’s asleep.

“Uh, Pax?” He slowly raises his head. “What drove you to fame?”

“I dunno, money?

“I actually have a worthwhile answer, unlike these shitheads.” Stone taps his fingers on the table. “I wanted to do something everyone told me I couldn’t.

I can’t stop the ridiculous smile making its way over my lips. Damn, Stone is hot. Those brown eyes, those cheekbones, that hair. I’m swooning, not going to lie. “Okay, next question is for Rush. Rush, if you had to be something besides a rock star, what would it be?

“Oh, that’s easy.” He stands up, grabs the edge of the table and pelvic thrusts against it so hard it scoots an inch across the floor. “Hands down, a porn star. James Deen can go fuck himself because his measly nine inches don’t have shit on my man-cock.” He laughs as he collapses back down in his chair.

I giggle, and his face goes all serious.

“No, really. A porn star.”

Jag shoves him so hard he knocks him out of his chair. “Rush, you couldn’t be a porn star. You don’t have any fucking stamina.”

“I’ve got loads of stamina.”

“Like shit you do—”

“Hey!” I shout. They both turn to look at me, and for a moment, I’m afraid I just really pissed them off. I timidly clear my throat. “Next question. Stone, what’s it like working with your brother?”
He smirks. “I mean, when I’m not babysitting his ass, it’s tolerable.”

Jag is too busy making lewd hand motions at Rush to be offended by that, so I go on to the next question on my list. “So, guys, what’s it like to be Pandemic Sorrow? It must be incredible to be so famous?

Pax shrugs as he mumbles, “It’s cool.”

Rush tosses his hands in the air. “Fucking amazing! Are you kidding me?” He shakes his head as he grins. “I can’t even explain to you how amazing this shit is. I keep thinking I’m going to wake up and find out I’ve been in a coma or something, and that I’m still just fucking up drive-thru orders at Burger Boy.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.” Stone nods. “Surreal. That may be the best word. It’s surreal. It’s weird to be flipping through the radio and hear your song on there. Sometimes, I don’t even feel like I am that dude.”

I smile politely. I love all of his down to earth comments. Unlike the other perverts in this room, he seems so adorably sweet. I glance over at Jag. It seems like he has checked out momentarily. He’s staring down at his hands as he fidgets with one of the rings on his finger. “Jag, what about you. What’s it like to be so famous?”

He glances up at me, his face completely void of any emotion. “Oh, uh. It’s great. Really.” Pausing, he wipes his hands down the legs of his jeans. “You know, paparazzi following you around, so you can’t even shake your dick without it making a headline. Always a party, always a show, always fans screaming at you. Yep. Couldn’t be better.”

That didn’t seem authentic in the least. Honestly, he looks miserable. What do I say to that? Nodding, I say, “I can’t imagine. It must be tiring.”

There’s an awkward silence. I flip through my tablet and find the next question. “So, we had some fans write in with questions they wanted you guys to answer. One fan asked that each of you describe your perfect mate.” I look over at Rush. “Why don’t you go first since you want to be the porn star and all?”

His lips curl, his eyes twinkle, and then he smirks. “A girl that likes company in the bed. Kinda like—” He narrows his gaze on me as he arches a brow. “You gonna publish all the stuff I say, right?”
“Yeah, unless you ask me not to.”

“Oh, no. I want this in there more than anything else I’m gonna say.” He clears his throat, smiling proudly. “A complete freak, kinda like I imagine Jules would be. She’s our assistant manager. We all know she likes being treated like a dirty slut.”

“Uh, Rush, you probably shouldn’t—“

“Oh, no, she expects shit like this. Seriously though, I need a freak.”

Jag groans. “Yeah, sure, Tink looks like a freak. Rush, she looks like she’d be a damn lame lay.” He leans over the table as he thumbs his lip piercing. “I need a girl that would put me in my place every once and a while.”

“That’s a good answer, Jag.” I turn to Stone and my cheeks heat. “What about you?”

“Honestly, I can’t even think about that. I’m so consumed with my career, I know I would be a shitty boyfriend, but I do like short girls.”

Yep, swooning again. “Pax, what about you?”

He shrugs. God, he has no personality whatsoever. “Oh, just give me a girl that hasn’t been rammed by these three fuckers and I would be good.”

Jag flips him the bird. “Fuck off, Paxton.”

“You sick of sloppy seconds, drummer boy?” Rush asks as he shoves him.

Pax swats Rush’s hand away. “Fuck you dick dribbles, don’t get all pissy just because I didn’t want to join in for your orgy last night,” he shouts.  “I don’t like slapping dicks with you sick fucks.”
I can feel my jaw hanging open. They are arguing with each other; yelling, cursing.

The next thing I know, Stone is waving his hand in the air to get my attention. “Tiffany?” He whistles.

I glance over at him, and he is sitting there so relaxed like none of this phases him. He smiles sweetly at me. “I assure you, none of them know how to use their dicks the way I do.”

Oh, hell. Compose yourself, boo. I think I’m getting sweat stains under my arms! Oh, crap! I hear a loud bang. Jag just threw Pax on the floor, and Rush is laughing. This is a disaster. Smile, smile…

Stone stands and walks over to me. “They’ll knock each other out eventually. And while they are…” he swats a stray piece of hair from my face. “Why don’t I go knock the fuck outta you?”

I shouldn’t, I know I shouldn’t, but this is Stone Steele. I take another quick look at the three guys rolling around on the floor, then eye the door.

“Come on, you pretty little thing.” Stone barely touches his warm lips to mine before pulling me toward the door.

I am most likely going to get fired from the magazine now, but I don’t really care. I mean, who in their right mind would turn this guy down? 

Jag (Pandemic Sorrow #1)

WARNING: This novel contains explicit language, sexual situations, and is the story of an addict. This material is intended for a mature audience. 

"My name's Jag Steele. I’m the lead singer and guitarist to the band Pandemic Sorrow, and I have a drug problem. Well, I mean it's not really a problem – unless you count the fact that I almost made my heart explode from all the blow I shoved up my nose a few weeks back..." 

That was my introduction during my first stint in rehab. I'm messed up. If you asked anybody who I am there’s a list they will go down: Famous, rock star, legend, drug addict, womanizing man-whore, but if you asked me, I wouldn't have the first idea of what to say, because I don’t know who Jag Steele is. Really, I’m living every other damn person's dream, and all I want is reality. 

Roxy Slade, that girl was my reality. My brutally flawed and beautifully broken reality. And she hated everything I stood for. To her I was just one of “those guys”, and she’d rather be buried alive with poisonous snakes than give someone like me a piece of toilet paper to wipe their ass with. Brutal. Life. Is. Brutal. And it is just a giant pain, which is why I chase after anything to make it numb, anything that can fill this void. I just want anything that can make me not feel. I just don't want to feel.

Jag (Pandemic Sorrow #1)

Amazon UK:

Rush (Pandemic Sorrow #2)

It’s my job to play music, to make girls wet, and then to screw a select few of them. I’m a professional rocker. I’m rich, I’m famous, I’m one lucky son-of-a-bitch. I have everything - except control.

The industry owns me. And the only thing I have a minuscule grain of control with is women, but not that dominate, tie you up and gag you kind of control. No, I want to govern how I make them feel. I need them to feel like a goddess while I’m in them, and I love being able to control the fact that they’ll never really have me. Love is complicated. It is bullshit. And even if I thought I needed it, the rules of being a rocker won’t allow it. 

Sex is all I need. 

I don’t need love.

But for some reason I want her. For some reason I can’t get her out of my mind. And lately, every time I’m with any girl besides her it feels wrong.

I can practically have any woman I want, but I can’t have her. She’s off limits because she’s part of that industry that owns my ass. 

Sex was all I had.

And sometimes I thought maybe love was all I needed…with her

Rush (Pandemic Sorrow #2)

Amazon UK:

Roxy (Pandemic Sorrow #3)

My life had been no fairy tale. Actually, growing up, it had been something more like a nightmare, which is why I ended up so hard. When you don't want to hurt having the ability to be numb is your best defense mechanism. And for a long time all I was doing was existing.

Jag Steele, the lead singer of the international rock band Pandemic Sorrow, was the epitome of everything I despised: arrogant, entitled, but the thing I hated most about him was that he was an addict. Drugs had been the demon that had ruined everything in my life, and anyone who had a love affair with them pretty much made my stomach turn. It brought up memories I wanted to stay buried. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a fan of Jag.

Funny thing is, people aren't always who you expect them to be. Never in a million years would I have thought the night I meet Jag would have any significance on the rest of my life, but it did. 

I found out that sometimes something that screams utter destruction might actually be your saving grace.

Some people may say our story is too screwed up to be a romance, but for two broken people, we made the pieces fit together perfectly.

Roxy (Pandemic Sorrow #3)

Pandemic Sorrow Series (Jag, Rush, & Roxy 3-in-1)

Three-in-one rocker boxset. 

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. The life of a rocker is gritty, and for the boys of Pandemic Sorrow, it's exhausting. Their existence is one of sleepless nights, binges with drugs, and the daunting task of pleasing women...lots and lots of women. Life is one endless party, and for both Jag and Rush, it's a path of utter self-destruction. 

Warning: Jag and Rush are from a male point of view, and are very...male. They are vulgar and explicit and may have to work their way through a few fans before they find a woman who can tame these rocker's inner whore. All books contain explicit language and sexual situations. 

Box Set:

Meet the Author

Stevie J. Cole is a secret rock star. 
Sex, drugs and, oh wait, no, just sex. 
She’s a whore for a British accent and has an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand. 
She and LP plan to elope in Vegas and breed the world’s most epic child.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Blog Tour** Flashpoint by Brooke Blaine

The first time I saw her, I knew I’d have to kill her.

It’s been five years since the brutal death of her mother, and Katherine Shaw still relives the nightmares of that night.

She escaped.

The danger should’ve been over.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.

When her father, a prominent judge, receives a chilling death threat, her past comes hurtling into her present.

The warning is clear: They’ve got unfinished business, and they’re coming for her.

Katherine Shaw.

Rich girl? Check.

Spoiled and obstinate? Check.

A beautiful fireball who pushes every button he has? That was not listed on the dossier Jason Garrett receives when he’s assigned as one of her bodyguards. The last thing he ever expected was that his tempting client would prove to be more dangerous than those he’s protecting her from.

Their attraction would be forbidden even under the best circumstances. But as the threat draws near, the tension between the two of them rises, culminating in an explosive flash point that will blindside them both.

Add to Goodreads:

Excerpt from Flash Point

© Brooke Blaine 2015

The wind whipped around them suddenly, a ferocious gust that caused Katherine’s long locks to go flying in every direction. She looked a bit like Medusa right then, hair thrashing about like snakes, hypnotic jade eyes blazing, and just as she lifted the hood of her jacket over her head, the wind died down.

“Yeah, that just figures,” she muttered, as she put her hand inside the hood to smooth down her hair.

Jason’s phone buzzed in his pocket, the caller ID reading Thompson. He answered before the second ring. “Sir.”

“Just calling to check in with you, Garrett. I spoke with Kirkpatrick and went over the rundown on our end, and he gave me—”

“Ow, shit, motherfucker—”

A string of curses continued to fly from Katherine’s mouth, her arm caught in an awkward angle over her face. The bracelet on her wrist had hooked onto the jacket liner of her hood, and the more she tried to yank it free, the more it snagged.

Thompson’s voice turned apprehensive. “Is everything okay over there? Is that Katherine—”

“Yes, yes, she’s fine,” Jason said.

“She doesn’t sound fine.”

“Just a little…female issue.”

“Female issue…? Ohhhh. I see. Well, good luck with that. Talk later.” Thompson hung up swiftly, and Jason shook his head. Wimp.

Katherine stomped her foot as she continued to wrench her arm free, and he tried not to smirk at how ridiculous she looked.

I should just leave her like that, he thought in amusement.

“Are you gonna talk on the phone all night or are you gonna fucking help me sometime this century?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?” he asked.

“No, what I want right about now is a chainsaw to free myself and then stick up your ass.”

He shoved the phone back in his pocket. “Sounds like foreplay.”

She stopped struggling for a moment, and he tried not to notice the way her shirt had ridden up to display a few inches of her creamy skin. “Now the sense of humor comes out? Now?

Stepping forward, he grabbed her wrist with one hand and tried to get her bracelet free with the other, but it was lodged in tight. Her pulse beat rapidly under his thumb, and he stroked over it once before realizing what he’d done. A quiet gasp escaped Katherine’s lips.

“Hold still,” he murmured, tightening his grip. “It might hurt.”

With a quick snap, he ripped the hood away, a chunk of tattered material still clinging to the mangled jewelry. She pulled the bracelet off her arm and rubbed her wrist.

“Thanks,” she said, a bit breathless.

He nodded as he backed away, and she got the hint to keep moving and not mention it.

They walked together in silence, for once, until a cluster of buildings came into view, and Katherine directed them toward it. When he saw her look over at him from the corner of his eye, he braced himself for the next round of questioning he knew was coming.

“So…you never told me your first name,” she said.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Well, that’s rude. I thought we just had a moment there, Jason.”

He stopped in his tracks, and she burst out in victorious laughter.

How the hell did she know that?

“And you thought I was unobservant.” She wore a smug look on her face. “I may be a lot of things, ruiner of jackets included, but give me a little credit here.”

“Where did you hear that?”

She shrugged. “It was a hunch. I’d referred to you as Jason Statham when I was talking to Steven at my father’s house, and I noticed you flinched when I said it. So, either you get that comparison a lot, or it was an involuntary reaction to hearing your name and trying not to react. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.”

Well I’ll be damned. Not just a pretty face, are you?

“Oh,” she said then, taking a step back. “Oh, no. That’s not…a tiny sliver of respect I see in your eyes, is it?”

He grimaced. “No.”

“Thank God,” she said with mock relief as she climbed the stairs to the main doors and stopped just outside them. “I couldn’t take it if you actually liked me.”

He had nothing to say to that, too busy trying to see past the mask she wore that he’d only briefly thought about earlier. She was observant. I wonder what else she’s hiding…

She turned around. “Can I ask you something?”

“God knows you would anyway.”

The Katherine that faced him now wore a serious expression, with no trace of the sarcastic woman he’d had to deal with the past few days. She cocked her head to the side as she studied his face.

“Are you always this much of an asshole with your clients, or am I just lucky?”

Before he could summon an answer, she reached for the door handle but then pulled away so he could enter first. She stayed beside him as she walked them to her class, and he knew she didn’t expect a response. After getting her settled and taking position against the wall nearby, he entertained her question.

Two things he knew for sure: First, he was definitely an asshole. And second, under the current circumstances, he’d never refer to Katherine Shaw as lucky.

You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.

Flash Point is her debut solo novel, and she is the co-author of the erotic serial, A Desperate Man, with Ella Frank. The latter has scarred her conservative southern family for life, bless their hearts.

If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find - just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for ten years.

Contact Links

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Nicola's 5 Bare Naked Star review

After having read the synopsis for this book my interest was instantly piqued and I just knew it was going to be a book that I fell in love with. And Holy Hell I was not wrong.
Cleverly written, action-packed and unpredictable until the very end, ‘Flash Point’ is one hell of a debut from the brilliant new author (to me) Brooke Blaine.

From the moment I opened it up on my kindle, Real life ceased to exist. The writing; flawless. The characters; strong, determined and badass. The plot; fast paced, suspenseful and so full of emotion. This is one book that you will not regret reading.

For the past five years Katherine Shaw has been living with the nightmares from witnessing the horrific murder of her mum. And although the murderers are still at large Katherine thought she was safe. Until now. Now, the past is coming back and it’s coming for her.

“Revenge will come.
Katherine Shaw has to die.”

Jason is part of the team hired by Katherine’s father to protect her. A man of very few words, and already an opinion of the type of person Katherine was. He thought he had control, he thought it was another simple protection job…….that is until he got to know her.

“It was the first rule in the handbook: Thou shalt not have fucking relations with a client, current or former.”

But when the lines of passion, lust, and attraction are crossed and the lines of employee and client gets blurred, will Katherine's safety be jeopardized?

“Once he stepped inside that front door, the precarious edge they were balancing on would tilt one what or another. Was he prepared for the consequences of his choice? That was the question.”

The ending, I felt was absolutely perfect for this book and the type of story it was. I think if it was finished in a different way, it would’ve been a lot less believable.  I was left satisfied, but could quite happily read more.

That is the type of book it is. When a writer gives you characters that you could quite easily just carry on reading well after the books finished that is when you know you have a brilliant book and author on your hands.

I am satisfied, but I want a hell of a lot more.

The chapter structure worked out brilliantly. I loved the fact that we got it in 3rd person, but with the sporadically added chapters in 1st person from an ‘unknown’ person.  It’s unusual; one which I have never come across it before, but it works. It’s one of the many reasons why I enjoyed the book so much.

Brooke Blaine; you have a new fan. You have delivered an absolutely amazing story that will have readers laughing out loud and gasping when the twist is revealed. You have got the suspense down to a tee and I cannot wait to read more of your fabulous work, and find out what you give us next.