Tuesday, 25 April 2017

**Blog Tour** Spark in the Ashes by Nikki Groom

Spark in the Ashes (Steel Souls #1)

by Nikki Groom

Releases 24th April



Sadie Foster is consumed with revenge. The quiet beauty she portrays on the outside disguises the rage bubbling within her. Because on the inside, her desire for retribution dominates her every waking thought, until him…

Ramsey Dalton is an outlaw. A criminal that will do whatever it takes to get what he wants and to keep his MC brothers safe. He didn't know there could be more to his life than sex, drugs and death, until her...

Their meeting is pure chance. Their connection undeniable. But what neither of them know, is that their relationship threatens to uncover far more than they could have imagined.

Secrets and lies are best left buried, but sometimes they’re too real to stay dead.


“Do you have any idea what you got involved in tonight, little girl?” His voice is low, dangerous, and for the first time since I woke, fear taps at each bone as it trickles down my spine and he moves closer. “I might not know your name, but I do know what you’ve done. What are you, some kind of femme fatale? You on a mission to rid the world of all the bad guys?” He chuckles to himself then stops with his body flush to mine. I hold his gaze, refusing to back off, feeling the fire in his eyes burning through mine. He strokes a finger lightly along my temple and down my cheek. “You got daddy issues?” he whispers.
“Fuck. You.” I shove at his chest, but he doesn’t budge an inch which only increases my frustration.
“Oh, sweetheart, usually I would take a girl up on such an offer, but—”

I bring my hand up to slap him, but he catches my wrist and grabs the other one in a flash, roughly pinning them to my side. “Oh no, you don’t.” He laughs under his breath, but his gaze is anything but humorous. “You got a lucky shot in last time. That kinda luck doesn’t happen twice.” He leans in close, pushing my hair from my face gently with his cheekbone and settling his hot breath over my ear. “Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I’m not above binding you again—” He pauses, letting a few heated breaths brush across my skin. “So tell me, are you going to bend and comply? Which will make it so much easier for you, or am I going to have to wrangle your twisted little soul into submission?”

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Meet the Author

Nikki Groom is a hopeless romantic, lover of all things happily ever after and firm believer that love makes the world go around.

In her spare time, you will find Nikki laughing with her very treasured family, walking with her beloved dog in the hundred acre wood or curled up in a cosy corner with words and wine.
She lives in East Sussex with her husband and two children. Having turned her hand to many things over the years, Nikki is now proud to add ‘author’ to that list.

Having always been a dreamer, Nikki’s imagination stretches far and wide, which enables her to get lost in faraway places and imaginary people.

Nikki loves to chat, especially about books! You can find her here…

Website- www.nikkigroomwrites.com                            Email: nikkigroom.author@gmail.com

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

**Cover Reveal*** Mark of Truth by Graceley Knox

                                                               Pre-Order Today

Mark of Truth (A Wicked Kingdoms Novel)
by Graceley Knox
Release Date: 23rd May
Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance


Ever Leath, leader of the deadliest crew within the Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency’s ranks, has always known she’s a half-breed—until a visit from her estranged mother changes everything. She’s determined to marry Ever off for political gain, no matter the consequences—even if it means Ever’s life.

Searching for the truth leads to disturbing doubts about Ever’s heritage, and just as answers appear, so does Dare Fitzpatrick. Captain of the Royal Goblin Guards and son to the current Goblin King, he claims he knows who Ever’s real father is and that she could be in danger. Ever doubts Dare, until he helps her escape the clutches of her would-be suitor and grants her shelter within the Goblin Kingdom.

Staying in Goblin, which has previously been off-limits to half-breeds, is a risk Ever has to take to keep everyone she loves safe. Neither of them planned on the fiery heat between them, but Dare won’t take no for an answer.  Ever knows she can’t risk losing her heart to the cocky goblin, despite her attraction to him. At least that’s the plan.

Until it all falls apart.

Meet the Author

Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.


Monday, 17 April 2017

**Blog Tour** The Pebble Jar by H.A. Robinson

Book: The Pebble Jar

Author: H.A. Robinson

Genre: Contemporary Romance

And add to Goodreads


At fifteen years old, Abigail Costa might not know much, but there are three things she's absolutely certain of:
Her grandmother, Nonna, is a superhero and she wants to be just like her one day.
The world is round and she wants to see absolutely every inch of it.
And she and Elliot Peterson will be best friends for life.
After over a decade of getting up to no good together and spending every possible moment in one another's company, it seems impossible that anything could ever change.
Enter: the new girl. With perfect blonde hair and a body to die for, she's everything Abbi never realised she wanted to be. And as she starts to notice that something isn't right with Nonna, she finds that some of her certainties aren't quite so certain anymore, and loneliness forces her to dig deep for a strength she never knew she had.

Buy The Book

Our Review

Tara's 5 star review:

"Parents and grandparents stay the same age for so long because we don’t want to believe that there will ever be a day when we’ll have to do all of this on our own."

This books gave me all the feels. I was nervous, scared, upset, happy, destroyed.

Nervous, because reading this book and getting so wrapped up in it, I knew something was going to happen to cause my heart to break. At times I had to will myself to keep going. I was scared because I remember being in Abbi's shoes, and seeing my hero, my grandma, struggle through something that made her seem so small and fragile. I was upset, because The Pebble Jar had me remembering what it was like to be 15, and all the coming of age stuff that a teenager endures, and all the heartache that comes with crushes, and unspoken words. 

I felt happy because in that moment where you finally find yourself, you feel free. Reading Elliot and Abbi's moments put a little smile on my face to remind me that I have come such a long way from that awkward 15 year girl I used to be. I was destroyed because I know what it's like to have someone taken from you to soon. To experience something so heart breaking that you are not sure life can move on. 

"We believed that the stories we’d written for ourselves were as inevitable as the sunrise, simply because we willed it so. After all, what could possibly stand in our way?"

I cried reading The Pebble Jar, to the point where I had to stop reading, because H. A. Robinson gave me all the feels. Her writing opened up some past memories, both sad and happy, and reminded me that in this life, there are ups and downs, but in the end, everything is as it should be. That all the things we experience happen for a reason. Just like me reviewing this amazing book. H. A's writing did something to my soul, it opened me up and let me remember. 

"Everybody needed somebody sometimes, and I was alone and lost, with no idea what to do to help the one person who still cared."

Meet the Author

H. A. Robinson is a jet-setting billionaire with a home on each continent, who spends her free time saving kittens from trees and babies from burning buildings. A graduate of Hogwarts and a frequent visitor to Narnia, she drinks coffee in Central Perk and tames dragons in Westeros. 

In her dreams… 

In reality, she’s a support worker living in a small town in Cheshire, who would almost always choose fantasy over reality. She’s been an obsessive reader from the moment she picked up her first Enid Blyton book, more years ago than she cares to admit, and enjoys nothing more than getting lost in new worlds and adventures from the minds of all the amazing authors out there. 

She’s had the voices of characters in her head for as long as she can remember, and puts them down on paper in order to convince herself and the men in white coats that she isn’t crazy. 

Twitter: @H_ARobinson


Friday, 14 April 2017

***Release Blitz*** Four Strikes by LP Lovell and Stevie J Cole


Book #4 in The Game Series



 Four days. It’s only
been four days and I’m no longer certain of who I am. Right and wrong,
does such a thing exist in the corrupt world of the sexy billionaires
Tobias Benton and Preston Lucas? I don’t believe they do. The call
themselves superior. They call me their little lamb, and they make me do
terrible things.

One contract. 
Two guys. 
Three players. 
Four strikes. 
Five rules. 
Six zeros. 
Seven days.

No safe words. Are you game?



One Contract

Book #1 in The Game Series



What if right is wrong, and wrong is right?  
Would you forget everything you believe in just to win a game?

"The two devils at my side taunting me with the pretty flames of hell, and all I want is to burn with them. To be owned by them, for what else do I have? Nothing."

To me, this is the darkest book in the series so far. Tobias and Preston take Ella to the edge, and she's not sure if she should jump or stay in a world where morals do not exist. Ella knows she should walk away, but with Tobias and Preston by her side, will she release her inner demons to win the game?

"How pitiful have I become to find salvation in men such as these. And worse, I want them. I need them and slowly, bit by bit, piece by piece, I'm losing myself to that."

Stevie and LP have created a new genre with this series. It's dark, twisted, evil but hot and steamy at the same time!  A perfect mix of right and wrong!

"With each second that passes with them I feel that they own a little more of my soul. And I want them to. I want them to own me, the deepest, darkest parts of me. I long to be unhinged in a way I fear I will only ever be with them."

Two Guys

Book #2 in The Game Series

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X6JNQPV

Amazon UK:https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06X6JNQPV

Three Players

Book #3 in The Game Series


LP Lovell 

Lauren Lovell is an indie author
from England. 

She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you
have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for

Lauren is a self-confessed shameless pervert, who may be suffering from slight
peen envy. 

LP loves to hear from readers so please get in touch.

Stevie J. Cole

Stevie J. Cole lives deep in the woods of Alabama with her
husband and two precious daughters. She studied Epidemiology concentrating on
cancer research but has always had a passion for writing. Some of her stories
will strip you bare, some will give you nightmares, but the one thing she can
promise is that she will always give you stories that make you feel.

Raw. Gritty. Love.

Because sometimes characters need to be flawed.

P.S. Stevie's greatest fear is the impending zombie apocalypse. Think about it:
swarming armies of decaying, oozing corpses stumbling around with clicking
teeth, trying to eat your face. Nothing about that is good. NOTHING!