Monday, 30 September 2013

**Book Blast** Someone to Listen by A.T. Douglas

Someone to Listen by A.T. Douglas


Abby wanted a fresh start, a new life thousands of miles away from her four difficult years of high school and the rumors that followed her. As she begins her college experience in Boston, she finds friendship and love she didn’t expect, people who show her that she doesn’t have to be alone.

She is torn between two paths, inexplicably drawn to two completely different guys. One understands her and reminds her of who she used to be, the broken shadow of a person wandering through life but not truly living. The other is the key to her future, the guiding hand that she waited for years to pull her out of the darkness and into the light.

When Abby’s newfound happiness and renewed existence are threatened, everything changes. She can fall back to that dark place within her or fight to save her future.

She faces the same struggle she has all along: getting someone to hear her, finding someone to believe her.

All she ever needed was someone to listen.

Author Bio:

After growing up in the Pacific Northwest, A.T. Douglas ventured away from her quiet hometown for the bustle of college in the city of Boston.  Though she studied astronomy and was a science geek at heart, she always had a love for the written word and a story swirling in her head.

It wasn't until she became addicted to the Young Adult/New Adult Contemporary Romance genres that she embraced her renewed passion for reading by self-publishing her debut novel, Someone to Listen.  Fueled by coffee and her love of music, she strives to turn daydreams and the realities of life into words the world can read.  Her writing is inspired by personal experiences and memories from her past.  She hopes to inspire others to break the silence and get their stories out into the world.  

A.T. Douglas lives in New Hampshire with her husband and son and wishes desperately that there were more hours in the day for family, reading, and writing.

Buy Link (exclusively on Amazon):

Find out more about A.T. Douglas and follow her at the following social media links

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**Book Blitz** Whiskey Lullaby** by Dawn Martens & Emily Minton

Whiskey Lullaby
by Dawn Martens & Emily Minton



Julie Walker thought she found true love with Jase. Until he betrayed her in the worst way, with one of her best friends. Devastated and heartbroken she runs away,leaving behind her family and friends. She starts a new life filled with secrets.

When Julie meets Dean, she thinks he is the answer to all her prayers, but Dean isn’t who she thinks he is.

Jase Gibson is a player. Even when he had the girl of his dreams, he still played. When he lost Julie, his life fell apart. He turned to whiskey and women, to fill the void. But, only Julie will ever make him whole.

Nine years later, Julie's back home, but shes not alone. What will happen when all of Julie's secrets are uncovered?
Jase vowed that if he ever got her back, he would do right by her and never let her go. Will he let Julie's secret keep them apart?

When Julie's ex-husband refuses to be her ex, Jase must choose to help her or hang on to his anger.
Jase and Julie have to find a way to give their whiskey lullaby a happy ending.

Buy Links:


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Goodreads Link:

Series Facebook Page:

About the Authors:

 Dawn Martens:

I'm Dawn. I co-wrote a two books (Chase and Kade) with fellow author Chantal Fernando, in the Resisting Love. We went solo on three of the books, she wrote Ryder, and she is writing James, and I'm writing Derek.
Also working on a book currently with my friend Isabella Bearden, called A Second Chance!
AND I'm currently writing a book with good friend Emily Minton called Whiskey Lullaby.
I drink too much, Swear too much, and Read too much. Yes I read too much. I don't have a filter, and I tend to speak before I think.
I'm a beta reader for many authors, I'm on a few authors ARC list, because apparently I'm THAT awesome. ;) And I also Edit. Not a professional, but I do help a few with that.
I have two children, 5&2, and have another on the way. They bug the shit outta me, but hey, that's what kids are supposed to do. ;) Married since 2007. He's amazing, but he's also a bigger pain in my ass than my kids are.
I love to read. and I love being able to write stories that *I* want to read!
I couldn't do this without the help of some very special friends!

Author Social Media Links:

I'm Emily. I am the proud mother of two lovable but irritating teenagers. I have been married for over twenty years, but I would gladly trade my husband for Tatum Jackson any day!
If you are wondering who that is, you need to read Sweet Dreams by KA now. Kristen Ashley is my queen!
I love to read. I am a complete mommy porn junkie! I have more books on my kindle than most people could read in a lifetime, but I will get to them all eventually!
I am also an avid blogger. I love to share my favorite books and pimp my favorite authors.
I just finished writing my first solo book, Windows. I hope you all enjoy it!










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Sunday, 29 September 2013

**Blog Tour** Heaven Sent by Hilary Storm

Heaven Sent by Hilary Storm


The Rebel Walking Series continues with Taron and Ivy's story, Heaven Sent. The explosive chemistry that these two share ignites a relationship of epic proportions.
He has been dubbed 'the panty stealer', but Taron Walker has his eyes set on the beautiful, full of life, Ivy Adams. Ivy doesn't usually put up with the player type, yet there is something about Taron that has her intrigued. Taron must leave to go on tour with Rebel Walking and Ivy will be left to face serious struggles on her own. Will she reach out to Taron for help, or will she push him away? Can these two find happiness in each other's arms, or will they tear each other's world apart?
 Meet Ivy & Taron


My View
Hilary Storm throws us right in to Ivy & Taron’s story with some steamy action a few pages in, and that sets the scene for what is to come!
“The story of the two sisters falling in love with twin bad boys is one that never comes true” Ivy
Ivy, gorgeous, hot, feisty and mouthy, loved her in this book. Made me wish i was that sassy!
Taron, purveyor of the panties from Book 1, can he change, has he already changed now he’s met Ivy?
Poison Ivy! It is such a pleasure to see you out for the kill tonight.” He takes his index finger and runs it down my chest and in to the valley of my cleavage causing my shirt to lower.  He stops just before he exposes me.
Ivy is trying hard not to play with this bad boy but the reasons not to are getting far outweighed by the reasons she wants to.
“I want to let go and ride the roller coaster that is Taron.  I know there will be ups & downs.  I just don’t know if I can hang on until the end and exit the ride safely.” Ivy
There is laugh out loud banter between these two which made this book for me.
May all your ups and downs be between the sheets” I say it proudly and smile when I hear Taron’s breath hitch.  – Ivy
May you always come more than you go” – Ivy
Some parts of this story will not be easy for some to read, but it is what defined who Ivy and Taron became, what drove them apart, what brings them together and ultimately decides how their story will end.
Hilary has given yet another steamy read with a real story holding it together perfectly. 
Meet the Author

Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting and has a full time job as an accountant. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading, photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is the author of the Amazon Best Selling 'Rebel Walking' series. Book one: 'In a Heartbeat' was released June 2013, Book two: 'Heaven Sent' was just released in September 2013.

Social Links

Twitter:  @hilary_storm

Buy Links


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Playlist for Heaven Sent by Hilary Storm

It’s Been Awhile – Staind

Better Than Me – Hinder

Cold – Crossfade

Next Contestant – Nickelback

The Reason – Hoobastank

So Cold – Breaking Benjamin

Collide – Howie Day

Sorry – Buckcherry

Bother – Stone Sour

Breakdown – Seether

Stupid Girl – Cold

Addicted – Saving Abel

My Immortal – Evanescence

Here Without You – 3 Doors Down

Wonderwall – Oasis

Behind Blue Eyes – Limp Bizkit

Heartless – Hinder

Apologize – One Republic

With Arms Wide Open – Creed

18 Days – Saving Abel

45 – Shinedown

Fine Again - Seether

Saturday, 28 September 2013

**Release Blitz** Teach me Love by S. Moose

Teach Me Love by S. Moose

Release Day Event


Jacob Greene, sexy multimillionaire CEO of Greene Publishing is a broken man desperate to find reason in his life. Losing Katherine, the love of his life, makes a once gentle and kindhearted man into someone dark and miserable.

Abigail Anderson, single mother, second grade teacher, is tired of living her life alone. But the only man she's ever loved betrayed her and left her in the dark.

Now, three years later, their paths cross. A rocky beginning soon turns into something more. Real. The feeling is mutual and their feelings grow. But secrets always have a way of coming out.

Will Jacob and Abigail be able to learn how to love again or will they suffer alone for the rest of their lives?

Friday, 27 September 2013

**Blog Tour** Running From Forever by Ashley Wilcox

Running From Forever by Ashley Wilcox

Blog Tour


Recent college graduate, Kayla Reynolds was ready to leave the university, sorority life behind. Leaving her boyfriend of over three years, she packed her bags and moved four hours south to the big city…New York City.  Bright lights, streets that never sleep, and a business lifestyle that she yearned to have were all at her fingertips.

Kayla Reynolds was chasing her dream.

Determined and eager to make it in the corporate world, Kayla changed everything- her image, lifestyle, and outlook on life, putting her career first and her personal life second. That was until her first day, the first time she got a glimpse of Miles Blackwell. Corporate CEO and part owner of ETV, and not to mention, incredibly handsome, Miles Blackwell took Kayla by surprise, stealing her heart as he did.

But nothing had ever come that easy for Kayla. Life had always seemed to have a personal vendetta against her, stepping in when everything seemed too good to be true, reminding herself of whom she really was. It wasn’t until she met Merrick Drake that she realized when to stop; when running was no longer an option. For the first time in her life she had someone she could relate to; someone who wouldn’t judge- who saw the person she was inside. She and Merrick connected…on more levels than one.

When life was too much to handle, they ran.

But there was only one person that could make Kayla stop for good. Only one man that made her want to stay.

Would Kayla finally stop running or would it all be too much to handle?

About the Author


Some may consider me a jack of all trades, but I consider myself well rounded. I’ve waitressed, styled hair, answered phones and, most recently, worked full time as mom to my two beautiful little boys. Then there was this book… Everyone and their brother started talking about this book series titled Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James. I didn’t really pay attention to the craze at first, since I wasn’t a big reader- okay, I didn’t read at all. But curiosity got the best of me, so I downloaded it to my kindle. I was immediately hooked. I read the whole series in three days. Yes, three books in three days. I kept finding all these great books that I HAD to read (just ask my credit card!). Then I started hearing voices. Voices that turned into stories; stories that were begging to get out of my head. I started writing them down on scraps of paper. Then I transferred them to my computer. Before I knew it, Planning on Forever was born. The voices in my head are still talking, so I’m still writing.



She let out an exasperated breath. “No. No, I gotta figure this out.” She turned to face me, legs crossed, intertwined. “I don’t know what to do, Merrick.”

            I felt it in my chest. She was lost, pleading for help. I didn’t know if I was the best person to help her. I’d lived just as fucked up a life myself. From the age I could run, I did, staying at friend’s houses almost every day of the week, stopping home quick after school just to make sure my mom hadn’t overdosed and was dead on the floor. I did this almost my whole life…up until I ran here.

            “I can’t really help you, babe, if I don’t know what happened,” I told her as sympathetically as I could, looking into her sad eyes. Even if I wasn’t the most qualified person to give advice, I wanted to help, but I also needed to know what happened first.

            Kayla rubbed her face with her hands, keeping them over her eyes for a minute longer. She was thinking; questioning if she was ready to spill. I didn’t want to force her to do it, so I sat there quietly. I wish I could just sweep her up and run far, far away; take her away from all the bad in her life permanently, but that would mean I had to run again, and I was done running. I couldn’t do it anymore.

            “I loved him.” Her voice was a whisper. She removed her hands from her face but only to look down to her crisscrossed feet. She couldn’t look at me while she told me, and I was okay with that. “I let my guard down when I knew I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help it.”
I love books with a male POV, so the fact that Ms Wilcox gave me 2 male POVs made me want to squeeze her hard.
Kayla chooses to run from a life she fears is too settled and leaves her boyfriend of 3 years to head for the city lights and hope of a future she has always wanted.
It is here she meets not one but two men who are set to shape that future with her.
Hottie number 1 - Miles Blackwell, rich, sexy, flirty, suave and technically her boss. She meets him by the elevator, and we all know about elevators don’t we!
His eyes carried from mine down the length of my body, leaving a blazing line of fire in their wake” Kayla
Hottie number 2 - Merrick muscular, fitted tees, oh and did I mention tattoos
He was very attractive, catching me off guard.  He was the kind of guy I would’ve been all over not too long ago – tall, very muscular, short brown hair that matched his big brown eyes, wnt there were his tattoos…they covered his arms disappearing up into his fitted black tee’ Kayla
Ya’ll still with me? Yes, ok I’ll continue.
So you may be asking, what is the problem? Two hot men, one pretty girl what can possibly go wrong!
No spoilers here let’s just say it’s complicated but an enjoyable journey, this story flowed, surprised, shocked & soothed in all the right places.
Kayla’s best friend Leah – funny, funny girl:
I’m serious, K. Guys you meet in elevators are always ones with a secret or some shady life or something” Leah
You read too much” Kayla
Ms Wilcox has given us a love triangle with a twist, but it’s also much more than this.
A sexy romance that tugs at your heart.

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Thursday, 26 September 2013

**Book Blitz** Cowboy Town by Kasey Millstead

Ever since her parents passed away in a tragic car accident, Eden Cross has been living a quiet, stable and predictable life in inner Sydney – the total opposite of her carefree, relaxed, happy-go-lucky past. Her parents passing and the fact she’s an only child meant Eden was left with her best friend, Jules and Matt, her boyfriend of three years as her only family. That was until she discovered something about Matt that would turn her life upside down. Eden leaves Sydney in a hurry and begins an adventure that takes her across four Australian states before she lands in Pine Creek, Northern Territory.
Jackson Henley has lived in Pine Creek his entire life. He runs a massive cattle and cropping station with his twin brother, Jeremy, which they inherited when their parents retired. He’s had a bad experience with relationships courtesy of The Bitch - Dannika, so lately he’s preferred to play the field. That is, until he comes face to face with the stunning brunette beauty who’s behind the bar at the Cow and Calf. The problem is, she won’t tell him her name, she won’t give him the time of day, and she won’t give him a chance to prove himself.
What’s it going to take for Eden to give Jackson a chance? Does he have the patience to even bother fighting for her? How will he handle the competition?

In the end, will Jackson have what it takes to convince Eden to start living again, instead of just existing?

“Hey, gorgeous, can I get another
beer?”  I turn my attention from the
one-man show and spot Luke, the guy who was here yesterday, and he’s waving an
empty glass at me.

“Sure thing,” I reply.  I grab a glass and pull his beer, hand it to
him, take his money and return his change.
“So, Dory’s put ya to work, has she?”

“Just helping her out for tonight,” I
smile, then sweep my gaze along the bar checking that no one needs
refills.  It’s during this exercise that
I spot the man who has just walked in.

My breath gets caught in my throat as I watch him take a seat at the
bar.  I see his lips move and he’s
smiling at people but it’s too loud to hear what he’s saying.  I’m captivated.  He’s utterly gorgeous.  The epitome of Cowboy Hot.  His hair is dark and his jaw is square.  His body is built – broad across the
shoulders and narrowing slightly at his hips.

He spots someone across the bar and hands them a fully-fledged, bright
white, straight-toothed smile.  My breath
leaves me in a whoosh, and then
catches again as what has to be his twin slides onto the stool beside him. 
Oh my
fucking god.

I’ve got a job to do.  I have to pull it together.  It’s not like I’ve never been in contact with
good looking guys before.  I worked in
one of Sydney’s hottest bars for four years for fuck’s sake.  I mentally slap myself across the face and
tell myself to pull it together.  Then I
walk across to where they’re sitting and set about getting their order.
“What’ll it be, boys?” I ask in my most
relaxed I’m-not-affected-by-you-at-all voice.

Hotty One unashamedly rakes his gaze over
my body.  Slowly.  So slowly, I feel my blood start to heat –
just from him looking at me
.  I must be going mad.  Perhaps it’s the heat up here.  I’m not used to it all.  I really should have worn some linen shorts
instead of jeans.

“You, later,” he winks suggestively when he
finally pulls his eyes to mine.  Now,
don’t get me wrong – the wink was hot.

Fucking hot.  It was the way he
said it that turned me off.  You know
those guys that can get anyone they want?

Yeah, they’re not so bad.  It’s
the ones who can get anyone they want,
they know it, and they show it –
that’s the turn off.  Just with that
line, Hotty One has shown me he’s a player, unfaithful, untrustworthy and most
definitely not the kind of guy I want to get involved with – in bed, or out
of.  But, as a woman, I’d rather die than
have him know how he affected me, so I tilt my head to the side, smile my
cheeky smile and say, “Not tonight, handsome. Or ever.  Drink?”

* I'm 29 years old

* I've been married to my husband Troy for 10 years and together we have 4 children - Zach, Jovi, Demi & Cruz.

* I live in a small country town in NSW, Australia

* I LOVE to read and write

* I LOVE to bake

* I LOVE socializing

* My friends laugh at me because I will talk to anyone, anywhere.  It's funny now but it wasn't so funny for my mum when she had to drag me away from strange homeless people at the train station when I was little, and I may or may not have been going to go in crop dusting plane with a man I'd just met when I was about 4!!

* I read fiction until I was 11 years old.  After that I read non-fiction, true crime, bio's etc.  When my son Jovi drowned in 2011, I found I couldn't bring myself to read non fiction anymore - it was too "real".  Fifty Shades was dominating the media so I got myself a copy and I'm not ashamed to say I read all three of those books at least ten times each.  They allowed me to forget my reality for a little while.  Then I decided that I was going to follow my dreams and write.  I wanted to show my children that just because their brother died, didn't mean they did or our family did.  I want them to reach for the stars and chase their dreams, and the best way to do that is to lead by example!


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**Book Spotlight** The Mourning After by Adriane Leigh

The Mourning After Book Spotlight
The Mourning After
by Adriane Leigh

Haunted by a painful past, Georgia Montgomery escapes the memories by buying a beach house on the North Carolina coast. She hopes a summer filled with sun, sand, margaritas and best friends will heal her, but when an unexpected visitor shows up, her past, present and future collide.

Georgia is instantly drawn to Tristan Howell, the bronze-skinned, golden-haired stranger with an easy smile and eyes the deepest shade of green she's ever seen. She tries to deny the depth of her feelings for him, but just like an addiction- one look, one touch, one taste is never enough. With Tristan she loses control of the lonely world she's constructed for herself and learns that moving forward isn't possible while she's still chained to the events of her past.

Before the summer is over friendships will be tested, hearts shattered and lives changed, and waiting for Georgia to find herself may destroy them all.

Meet the Author

Adrian (4)

Adriane Leigh is the bestselling author of Steel and Lace and The Mourning After. She was born and raised in a snowbank in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and now lives amongst the sand dunes on the Lake Michigan lakeshore. She graduated with a Literature degree but never particularly enjoyed reading Shakespeare or Chaucer. Adriane is married to a tall, dark and handsome guy, and plays mama to two sweet baby girls.

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Book Enthusiast Promotions

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

**Book Sportlight** Unexpected Angel by Sloan Johnson

Sloan Spotlight Banner 2
Unexpected Angel by Sloan Johnson
Book #1 in Isthmus Alliance Series
***ON SALE FOR 99 CENTS FROM 9/25 to 9/29***
Tasha Skinner finally shed the baggage of a failed marriage. Now, she’s looking forward to a night of margaritas and man-bashing. Tasha’s friends have other plans, including Leather, Lace and liberation.

Dylan Caprese didn’t want to go to Marquee, but he and his friends were on a mission. They took it upon themselves to make sure things didn’t get out of hand when wannabe Dom’s mixed alcohol with playtime at the monthly Leather and Lace night.

From the moment he set eyes on Tasha, he knew there was something different about her. She wasn’t some bondage babe who thought she knew what it meant to be into BDSM. She was much, much worse; she was innocent and trusting. He can tell she is something precious.

When Tasha’s past threatens to destroy her, Dylan begins to realize that while their paths have never crossed, their lives most definitely have. Will he be able to save her before it’s too late.
About Sloan
Sloan is a Midwestern mom who began writing nearly seven years ago as a way to make money while staying home with her daughter. Now, with two kids in tow and having written more articles on how to assemble various pieces of furniture than she can count, she is reaching to make her dreams come true.


Coming In November
(Tommy & Holly's Story)