Friday, 15 November 2013

**Cover Reveal** Beautiful Failure by Mariah Cole

final beautiful failure cover 2-2
Title: Beautiful Failure
Author: Mariah Cole
Genre: New Adult Romance
Expected Release Date: December 12,2013
If you're looking for a heartwarming story about a girl who falls deeply in love with a troubled boy who changes her life—a sob story with pretty metaphors and a million ways that'll tell you how "broken" she is, STOP. Don't read another word of this.I'm not that type of girl.My name is Emerald Anderson and I'm not going to bullshit you: I flunked out of college after my sophomore year, I've been fired from every job I've ever taken, and I've never had a fully functioning relationship in my life.I wish I could say that I had a cheerleader in my corner, someone who says, "No, Emerald—You're great and youaregood at something!" but Idon't. My grandparents are completely oblivious to my life, and my mother's dying words to me were "You're going to end up just like me one day. A beautiful nothing."She was right.As I decide to start my life over and take two jobs that will forever change me--one from the inside, and one from the outside, I keep my mother's words close to my heart so I can keep the sexy and mysterious Carter Black away.He's the first man who's ever pursued me, the first man who seems bent on finding out why I am the way I am, but he's wasting his time.I'm not broken. I don't need to be fixed. I'm perfectly fine being a beautiful failure..
I wanted to believe that what I was seeing was simply a sick joke by my imagination—a twisted fantasy I’d snap out of in seconds.Pale and blue, Leah’s body lay lifeless in our tub. Her left arm was dangling over the edge, and the small velvet bag where she kept her cocaine was dangling from her fingertips.Scattered across the floor were hundreds of prescription pills and empty orange bottles that bore the names of strangers. On the vanity, there was an empty syringe and a folded note that read “For my Em...”Trembling, I rushed to her side and pressed my finger against her neck, hoping for a pulse.Nothing.I tilted her head back and tried to breathe life into her—pressing her chest with my hands every few seconds, but it was no use.She was gone.I sank down to the floor in tears—cursing her, hating her, for doing this to me. To us.I had no friends to call, no family either, so in my numb and dazed state I somehow managed to call 9-1-1. While the operator attempted to calm me down by asking me to take deep breaths, I walked over to the vanity and unfolded Leah’s lastnote:
I know you’re confused right now, but I want you to know that I love you. I love you so fucking much... You were the only thing that made my life worth living, and I wish I was strong enough to keep that in mind...
I’m not.

I’m tired of living a lie and I haven’t been happy in a very long time... I just can’t take it anymore...
I’ve fucked upa lot of things in my life, but the biggest regret I have is the way I raised you...I’m so sorry... This is going to be hard for you to believe—especially since I’m gone, but I need you to forget all that shit I taught you. Right now.
Fuck using your looks to get what you want. Go to college and do some good shit with your life, like write or something. You’re a good writer, you’re very smart, and you need to use your brain to get ahead. Can you promise to do that for me, Em?
Then again...It’s probably too late and I’m willing to bet that you’ll end up just like me: A beautiful nothing...
It won’t be your fault though. It’ll be—
I stopped reading and flushed that note down the toilet. Her last words were clearly written out of sadness and they were only compounding my pain.As far as I was concerned, Leah had raised me the best she could and she was far from a “beautiful nothing” in my eyes. In fact, I cherished every single thing she’d taught me.Even though I was beyond hurt that she’d selfishly left me all alone, I was determined to remember her at her best and for everything she was to me:

My mother.My best friend.My role model.





About the Author
starbucks1Mariah Cole is a Starbucks addict (hazelnut shots please!), New Adult author, and an incessant daydreamer. Known for pushing the envelope, she’s an avid reader of indie books and is always looking to chat with readers and authors alike

Connect with Mariah

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