Happy Release Week Party friends! I’m so excited to FINALLY be able to share the continuation of Olivia and Alexander’s story with you all. I loved A Beautiful Mess but I love A Tragic Wreck even more. While I was editing it and getting it ready for publication, even though I had already read it hundreds of times before, I still found myself getting emotional at certain times. It’s a rollercoaster of a story and I hope you are all ready for the ride.
There’s going to be a lot of angst, a lot of screaming at your kindle for the characters to do certain things. One simple action could fix everything, but do they do that? Like here for instance…
God, I love that sound, he thought as his body came alive with electricity. It had been over a month since he had felt that sensation. Looking out over the horizon, his heart raced as he searched for the source of that laughter. He heard that sound in his dreams every night. Only one person had a laugh that beautiful. He was certain his Olivia was near. Grabbing his coffee, he walked over to the edge of his balcony, taking in several people running on the beach.
That’s when his heart almost stopped.
There she was, running up the shoreline toward his hotel. He stilled, watching as she placed one leg in front of the other in rapid succession, her hips moving in perfect rhythm. She made running look so easy.
His brain tried to tell his body to move, to run out of his suite and onto the beach. But he remained completely frozen, shock etched across his strong face. He stared as Olivia stopped running, looking in the direction that she had just come from. He could almost feel her smile as she stood gazing up the beach, laughing at something. Alexander followed her eyes to see a relatively tall man running toward her, obviously having trouble keeping up. He kept watching as she took a deep breath, the smile gone from her face. She slowly turned and looked out over the ocean.
And that’s when Alexander saw it. The sadness. The hurt. The loss. He knew that look all too well.
Because it was the same way he felt.
- A Tragic Wreck (Copyright 2014 T.K. Leigh)

To start the party off right, here’s a brand new teaser from A Tragic Wreck.
The pain was back. It never really left, but Olivia had felt hopeful earlier when she decided to return to Boston and pour her heart out to Alexander. But now it had returned and the hurt was too much. She needed something to dull the ache. Her heart beat rapidly and she felt a panic attack coming on. Running to the bathroom, she rummaged through her medicine cabinet looking for the bottle Dr. Greenstein had prescribed to help with her anxiety.
She grabbed it and walked downstairs with her laptop, searching for the bottle of bourbon she was sure had her name on it. Popping two valium, she gulped down the liquid, thankful for the warmth spreading through her body. After throwing another couple of valium pills into her mouth and finishing almost half the bottle of alcohol, the pain … was finally dulled. The last thing she remembered was staring out at the crashing waves of the ocean before the numbness took over.

How can you continue living when you’re living a lie? How can you convince your body to stop feeling, your soul to stop caring, and your heart to stop beating?
Haunted by her past, Olivia Adler flees Boston for a beach in Florida, leaving everyone behind, trying to shut the world out. Remaining a relative recluse in her self-imposed prison, she tries to turn everything off, wanting to feel nothing. But a new acquaintance won’t let that happen. After being away from Alexander for a month, his voice constantly ringing in her head, reminding her that her inability to confront her demons will not only destroy her, but also him, can she really be expected to want to feel again when it brings nothing but pain?
Back in Boston, everywhere he turns, Alexander Burnham is reminded of Olivia… His Olivia… He tries to dull the ache left in his heart the only way he knows how… in the bed of a beautiful woman. But Alexander isn’t about to lose his Olivia. After a clue comes to light regarding Olivia’s whereabouts, can he convince her to return to Boston with him? When a force that has laid dormant for months resurfaces, can Alexander still protect her from the unknown danger? And when Alexander comes face to face with a shadow of both his and Olivia’s past, will he be able to tell her the secret that is threatening to tear them apart?
A Tragic Wreck is the continuation of T.K. Leigh’s heart-breaking Beautiful Mess series.

What happens when you lose everyone that promised they would always be there for you? How can you protect the few pieces of your shattered heart that remain?
Olivia Adler is a woman with a troubled past. After losing her parents at the young age of six and being raised by an uncle who she lost years later, she refuses to get attached to anyone, including friends. For the past decade, she has been able to remain unattached to any man, too worried about losing someone to get too close. Until Alexander Burnham walks into her life one night and changes everything. But he has issues of his own. And he’s keeping a secret that could turn her world upside-down. Will Olivia let Alexander in enough for him to get close and protect her from a force threatening her very existence, or will she push him away, scared of letting Alexander in, in order to protect her heart?
A Beautiful Mess is the first installment of a three part series sure to captivate the heart with a story of secrets, courage, and love.

T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is a producer / attorney by trade. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre.
Her debut novel “A Beautiful Mess” has garnered relative praise, having been an Amazon Best Seller, an Amazon Top-Rated book. Recently, the book was named by The Guardian as a top reader-recommended self-published book of 2013 as well as a 2013 Reader’s Favorite in Publisher’s Weekly in addition to being named an Amazon Romance Editor’s Fan Favorite for Top Debut Author and Best Page Turner.
When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
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