Friday, 16 May 2014

** Release Blitz** Goodbye Uncertainty by Jacquelyn Ayres

Book: Goodbye Uncertainty

Author: Jacquelyn Ayres

Genre: Erotic Romance

BECCA Campbell was lost for seven years, until an unexpected person from her past came back into her life and unveiled the truth. 

This truth has set her free.

"If only it were that easy."

Knowing what she now knows, Becca must come to grips with reality. She has to fight for the man she loves. The man she is meant to be with.

Becca, very sure of her path, needs to get him to say goodbye to uncertainty.

What happens, though, when uncertainty with her is all he’s ever known?


Claire's Review - 5 Bare Naked Stars *****

So Ms Ayres brings us into the finale of this amazing series, still reeling from the revelation at the end of Goodbye Secrets. Becca wakes to find Ray by her side, full of love and emotion for both the men she has loved and full of determination to make things right with Ray.

**”I’m ready to be yours, Ray. I’m ready for us. I’m ready for our present and our future. I’m ready to be all you need now.”**

Unfortunately Ray has heard it all before and is going to take some convincing.

**His eyes fill up. “Yeah…until tomorrow,” he says under his breath**

Becca is determined, but as usual there are some pitfalls, she fights to make him believe but when there are yet more revelations she feels their foundations shaking…

However, she has 2 great reasons growing within her to make this work, throughout the book the reader is never sure whether they will get through, but Rays love and Becca’s sheer strong will, sure have you thinking they can make it.

And –of course, they are as HOT as ever together.

**“Damn, baby,” he gasps as I push him onto his back and straddle him.**

and of course the Sybecca’s make an appearance.

**Horny Sybecca snaps her whip at the floor, She’s decked in full leather garb and looking to take control of the situation.**

Now finishing this story must have been the most difficult thing for Jacquelyn, but I think she’s done it perfectly. I can’t tell you…you’ll have to go buy it J

TBird London - Guest Review - 5*****

5 stars

Reviews like this one make me feel sad and longing for this series to continue.  I told a friend after the second book that only Jacquelyn Ayres could pull the “Who Killed JR Ewing” trick on me and make me not want to throw my kindle at her.  She didn’t disappoint in this book either as she gives us the ending to Becca and Ray’s story.

In this third book we begin to see the reality of Ray and Becca and the truth that has become their life.  As they struggle to overcome the past and accept the experience Becca had while in a coma, the truth begins to unravel and acceptance must be exercised if those two are ever going to survive. While it would appear to most that Becca had already grieved what she has lost, she is just now facing letting go of her past life and dealing with the memories of her first marriage.  Ray is going to have to find patience deep within himself as he watches his girlfriend cry over another man.

At some point they will both have to admit to the mistakes they made and forgive the hurt that had been caused.  Forgiveness won’t be easy, nor will they ever be able to forget, but they each must decide if a future is important enough to wipe the slate clean and start over again, building something that is real now and not based on desperate actions and false memories. 

I am a Domestic Engineer (born and raised in NJ) whose sole responsibility is to guide three young impressionable kids into becoming phenomenal adults. This challenging, yet rewarding work requires a lot of love (coffee), patience (wine) and determination (periodic exorcisms). I work all of this magic in the beautiful state of New Hampshire.

Before becoming a Domestic Goddess (not really), I spent over a decade working in the medical field where I wore more hats than the Queen.

I have had a love for the written word and the great escape it provides since I was a little girl. When I wasn't reading about people and the places they lived, I was creating my own characters and adventures. Finally, I have been putting a pen to paper allowing my characters to come to life. When I don't have a pen and paper in hand, you can often find me laughing at the conversations my characters are having in my head.




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