Saturday 20 September 2014

**Saturday Spotlight** Texas Twang by Paige Warren

Good morning, Gray here, I am back today with Paige Warren, who stopped by to talk about her book Texas Twang and to answer a few questions.

A little bit about Texas Twang

Lexie Duval has always gone after what she wants, and she wants Drew Benson. The tall, sexy, mocha cowboy is one hunk of man she’d love to get her hands on. A rodeo cowboy through and through, she just hopes he can stay on for longer than eight seconds.
But when their time together uncovers some surprising secrets, Lexie isn’t sure what to think or how to feel. Will Drew still want her when he finds out? Or will he push her away and move on?

What are you working on at the minute?
Well, I just wrapped up Bryson Corners and I’m hard at work on book three in the Grizzly Pines series. There’s also a stand alone novella called Coming Home that I’ve been working on here and there.

What books/authors have influenced your writing?
Oh wow, that’s a tough one. I’ve been writing since 2009, but didn’t decide to attempt a ménage until this year. I’ve read quite a few of Marla Monroe’s books and always love them. But I’m not sure that anyone has really influenced my writing.

What genre do you consider your books?

Do you ever experience writers block?
Oh yes! It happens quite frequently. I usually work on something different or take a break completely and read for a day, then I jump right back in. The worst it’s ever been was a week.

Do you set out an outline before you write a book??
No. I write by the seat of my pants. If I’m lucky, I have a general idea of the story line. But usually, I just know the beginning and that they end up together in the end. All the details fall into place as I’m writing.

Do you have a writing process?
I pretty much just open my document in the morning (while I start on the first of many cups of coffee) and write for a while, take a social media break, write some more, break for food (if I remember), then write a little more. I’ve been known to drag it out all day. But since I don’t plot, I have to write when the characters are speaking to me.

Have you ever hated something you have written?
Yes. That’s usually when I delete it and start over. I never complete anything if I don’t like where it’s going. I have quite a few partials that will probably never see the light of day.

What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?
Cowboys are my all time favorite! I guess because I lived in Texas for a while, and even married a Texan. What can I say?  A man in tight Wranglers and boots really turns me on. <grin>

Did you have a hand in designing your cover?
I gave character descriptions and told them about the setting and genre, but the artist came up with the cover by herself. And I LOVE it!

Spitfire section. What do you think of when I say these words.

Black - cat

Whips - chains

Toys - vibrator

Pain - pleasure

Grass- soft

Sand- hot

Favorite color - purple

Favorite scent – horses and dirt

Favorite food - Chinese

Favorite song – Amazed by Lonestar

A book recommendation for this month – The Cowboys’ Cure by Jenny May

What you look forward to this month – In my personal life, I look forward to seeing my daughter’s face as she starts beginning band and learns to play the flute, and the look on my son’s face when he takes the football field along with the senior players at the high school. Book related, I can’t wait to get my hands on Laurann Dohner’s next New Species book!

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About the author:
Paige Warren spends her days weaving tales about alpha male cowboys and the women who love them. There's nothing hotter than a man in tight Wranglers and a pair of well-worn boots. You have to admit, there's something sexy about a man who knows how to use a rope!
A cat lover, she has more than one furbaby running around, keeping her company in the wee hours of the morning as she tries to find just the right way to say "His skin gleamed, the early morning rays caressing his sun bronzed flesh, as he studied her from beneath the brim of his Stetson." Or, you know, something similar.
When Paige isn't dolling out tons of affection on the furbabies, or slurping down a pot of coffee (Yes! A whole pot!) so she can get in her daily word count, she enjoys reading and watching movies - romances, usually.

Find Paige Warren online
J.R. Gray is a sadist author who likes long walks towards gut wrenching cliff hangers. Check out Gray’s book Legally Bound which is out now.

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