Saturday, 15 November 2014

**Saturday Spotlight** Journey Across Time by C.R. Moss

Good morning, Gray here, with me is C.R. Moss, who stopped by to answer a few questions.

Do you ever experience writers block?
Yeah, more times than I like to count. Anything can trigger the creative flow to dam up, which sucks. I usually take the time to do stuff around the house that needs to get done or other tasks and by switching focus I can unblock and get back to work a lot sooner now than I used to be able to.

Do you set out an outline before you write a book?
Yes and no. I normally do what’s called an information dump, which kind of outlines the story, but it’s usually just a stream of dialogue or narrative description.

Do you have a writing process?
I do what I mentioned above, get the ideas and sections of the stories that are coming to me down, then I’ll flesh out the parts. As I go through the story, each draft is color coded so I know what I’ve done.

Have you ever hated something you have written?
Not right off. I have one story I absolutely loved when I turned it in, but after the editor got her hands on it and we went a few rounds on it, I hated it. I think she made me change things because of her subjective viewpoints. If she’d worked from an objective view, I probably would still like the story.

Did you have a hand in designing your cover?
I offered suggestions for cover art and pointed out pictures I liked and then the artist did her magic. :)

Spitfire section. What do you think of when I say these words.

Black - Night

Whips – Cat-o-nine-tails

Toys - Kids

Pain – in the ass

Grass- Stains

Sand- Beach

Favorite color - Blue

Favorite scent - Sandalwood

Favorite food - Pizza

Favorite song – Time Stand Still

A book recommendation for this month – Defiance by Beth D. Carter

What you look forward to this month – episodes of American Horror Story: Freakshow

A little bit about C.R. Moss
An eccentric and eclectic writer, C.R. Moss pens stories for the mainstream and erotic romance markets, giving readers Worlds of Possibilities. She writes stories from the light and sweet to the dark and deadly with varying degrees of sexual heat. Writing as C.R. Moss gives her and her muses the freedom to explore worlds of possibilities when it comes to love.

Find C.R. Moss online

About her new book Journey Across Time
There is magic on the ranch.
A woman examining life. A man on a quest. Time restores his spirit and her love.
Trent, a man in the past on a mission to discover where he belongs, embarks on a spiritual journey. His spirit guide, to his dismay, is a frisky feline named Myrddin. During a ritual, the cat brings the soul searcher forward into Julie VanAlder’s world.
Julie is attracted to the newcomer on the ranch, but his strange mannerisms and speech dictate she use caution, especially when she learns where he’s from. A botched relationship, supposed time travel, spiritual mumbo jumbo…it’s almost too much for Julie to take.
Can Trent make her believe in destiny and win her love before it’s too late?

J.R. Gray is a sadist author who likes long walks towards gut wrenching cliff hangers. Check out Gray’s book Legally Bound and the sequel Breach of Contract.

Find J.R. Gray online:
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