Genre: Contemporary Romance
The Bridge Series follows Cameron, Darren, and Olivia Bridge, three siblings living in New York City. Desperate to break away from the crushing expectations of their wealthy and privileged and equally broken family, they carve out a new path together. But can they find real love along the way?
Each book follows a different sibling’s journey and can be read as a standalone.
Darren Bridge is living a bachelor’s dream. When he’s not running into burning buildings with his crew, he’s training the flavor of the week at his brother’s gym. Few women have ever been off limits...until Vanessa. Smart, beautiful, and legs for days, she’s unlike anyone he’s ever met. Too bad he’s sworn to leave her alone.
Overworked with no end in sight, Vanessa Hawkins hasn’t had a vacation in nearly two years. When Cameron and Maya’s destination wedding takes her out of the office for a much-needed break, she finds herself struggling to resist her attraction to the best man. Darren is dangerously good-looking with enough charm to make any hot-blooded woman want to drop her panties and enjoy the ride, no matter how long it lasts.
When they return to the city, Darren realizes the single life has lost its glimmer. But with everything else on her plate, Vanessa doesn’t have room in her life for a man, let alone a player. Can Darren find his way into her heart and convince her that he’s worth the risk?
The Bridge Series follows Cameron, Darren, and Olivia Bridge, three siblings living in New York City. Desperate to break away from the crushing expectations of their wealthy and privileged and equally broken family, they carve out a new path together. But can they find real love along the way?
Each book follows a different sibling’s journey and can be read as a standalone.
Review by Tammy
the Fire was filled with love, lust, heartache, and second chances. A truly amazing story that I couldn’t put
was a super sexy Fireman and helped his brother run the gym. He was a total player. He worked out and had loads of fun with the
girls. He was busy with his jobs and had
no desire to settle down.
worked her ass off for her boss and was never appreciated. But she felt like
she had no other choice but to keep being his personal slave. She was hard nose kinda girl. She didn’t need
any guy to take care of her and she made that well known. She was feisty and
flirty fun.
and Vanessa met when Vanessa’s BFF was dating and engaged to Darren’s brother. They had a beach destination wedding. From
the moment they got on the airplane they were set on fire. They totally connected and couldn’t’ keep
their hands off each other. Things
quickly turned very HOT between them. It
was like their own private paradise.
what would happen when they got back to NYC?
"Despite his promises, despite the passion between us, I'd
known full well that I was flirting with disaster. A raging fire, so beautiful
and seductive that I couldn't resist – I'd walked right into it, knowing full
well the risks."
knew things won’t be the same back in NYC and she was playing a dangerous game.
Darren wasn’t the relationship type but she couldn’t help herself. She was falling more and more for him every day.
“Maybe I could lose the
man I’d once been. The one who’d wasted time with too many others who weren’t
her. I could just be hers. Pleasure her, comfort her, and show her things about
her body that no one ever would. I wanted to be that man.”
Not only was Vanessa falling more every day but so
was Darren and it shocked him. He had
never felt this way about another girl.
At first it really scared him and he was a total douchebag but he quickly
made things right. You could really see
how much he loved her and didn’t want hurt her.
the Fire was one super HOT sexy story that I couldn’t put down. Not only was it sexy but it had such a great
story. So full of twists and turns to
keep you engaged in the story.
absolutely loved the dual POV. It really
made me fall more in love with Darren and see how they were both thinking. It truly made the story.
It’s part of the Bridge Series but can be read
as a standalone. I’m excited to read the rest of the books in the series. I love finding a new sibling series. Just love reading siblings and their new
found loves. Meredith Wild is an
incredible writer. Looking forward to
reading more of her books.
Meredith Wild is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of romance. Living on Florida’s Gulf Coast with her husband and three children, she refers to herself as a techie, whiskey-appreciator, and hopeless romantic. When she isn’t living in the fantasy world of her characters, she can usually be found at
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