Monday, 9 September 2013

*Cover Reveal* Burn by Brooke Cumberland

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Book: Burn (Spark, #2)
Author: Brooke Cumberland
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release date: October 8, 2013
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Just when Velaney thinks she is safe again…her worst nightmare comes back to haunt her.

Eric is dealing with his own insecurities as he tries to accept Velaney’s decision to help the enemy…can he get past it? Will they be there for each other in the end?

He struggles to step aside and trust Velaney...but will his past keep him from doing so? Can he let go in order to move forward?

Velaney and Eric had their fair share of ups and downs in SPARK…they love was undeniable and intense. Just when you think they could get their happily ever after…pasts collide and merge together…will they fight for what they want?

Or will their love crash and burn?

Meet the Author

New Author PicBrooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and a black fury dog. She's studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her love for writing. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She's addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants.

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