Tuesday, 17 December 2013

**Blog Tour & Review** Beautiful Failure by Mariah Cole

Beautiful Failure

Author: Mariah

Genre: New
Adult Romance

Mary Elizabeth’s Crazy Book Obsession

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18625288-beautiful-failure


If you're looking for a heartwarming
story about a girl who falls deeply in love with a troubled boy who changes her
life--a sob story with pretty metaphors and a million ways that'll tell you how
"broken" she is, STOP. Don't read another word of this.

I'm not that type of girl.

My name is Emerald Anderson and I'm not going to bullshit you: I flunked out of
college after my sophomore year, I've been fired from every job I've ever
taken, and I've never had a fully functioning relationship in my life.

I wish I could say that I had a cheerleader in my corner, someone who says,
"No, Emerald--You're great and you are good at something!" but I
don't. My grandparents are completely oblivious to my life, and my mother's
dying words to me were "You're going to end up just like me one day. A
beautiful nothing."

She was right.

As I decide to start my life over and take two jobs that will forever change
me--one from the inside, and one from the outside, I keep my mother's words
close to my heart so I can keep the sexy and mysterious Carter Black away.

He's the first man who's ever pursued me, the first man who seems bent on
finding out why I am the way I am, but he's wasting his time.

I'm not broken. I don't need to be fixed. I'm perfectly fine being a beautiful


From the opening chapter…
My life is a fucking mess. A. Fucking. Mess.
I’m currently parked outside of Gina & Laney’s Diner, smoking a cigarette with my windows up. I’m looking over the check they gave me minutes ago and wondering if this is really my life or a sad depressing dream.
This is the last check I’ll receive since they fired me last Friday. They said they were tired of me showing up late and telling customers to “make up [their] goddamn mind” whenever they asked for my opinion about items on the menu.
My pay for two full weeks of work? Two hundred dollars and thirty one cents. No tips.
It’s the eighth job I’ve had in almost a year, and I’m beginning to wonder if I’m cut out for employment at all: I lost my bagger job at the grocery store after one week, my stint as a cashier ended in a shouting match with the manager, and I didn’t last longer than an hour at the manure plant.
All I do whenever I work is incessantly daydream about fictional characters, wishing I could find the time and space to write them all down. I’m always lost in some type of fantasy, some other life that’s more fulfilling than mine. 
Sighing, I suddenly notice that streaks of lightning are dancing across the sky and raindrops are attacking my windshield—reminding me that I have twenty minutes to get to my latest job interview.
It’s at the Westin—the nicest hotel on this side of the South; the one place that puts Blythe, Alabama on the map. Even though I’ve been repeatedly warned about how strict their rules are and how they have a high turnover rate, I’m determined to land and keep this job.
I have to.

Author Bio

Mariah Cole is a Starbucks addict
(hazelnut shots please!), New Adult author, and an incessant daydreamer. Known
for pushing the envelope, she’s an avid reader of indie books and is always
looking to chat with readers and authors alike.

Connect With Mariah

Claire's Review

5 Bare Naked Stars*****

Ok. It's cool, I've got a week to read this book, I'll just make a start before bed. Ooops. One ignored husband, 3 ignored kids and over toast the next morning it's done. I could not put it down.

Meet Emerald! She's sassy, snarky and hurt. A Beautiful Failure just like her mum before her, she would never be anything else right? She lurches from bad choice to bad choice until she makes a good one.......or is it?

Fuck looking for another job this summer.

I’ve officially found my new career.”

Enter Carter Black, they seem entwined, constantly revolving around each other until Emerald succumbs and agrees to the first ever date of her life.

“No guy has ever given me a gift before—at least not without immediately expecting something in return, and I’m not sure how to feel about this. Confused, I lie back against the blanket and start to read.”

Emerald and Carter are hot! But she's no one night stand for him and he drives her wild making her wait.

“His eyes darken and he looks highly offended. “I do want to fuck you and I am going to fuck you—in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.”

This book covers so many issues without being preachy or depressing (although I did have a few tears towards the end) I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for No2!


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