Monday, 16 December 2013

**Blog Tour & Review** Only For You by Genna Rulon


Title:   Only for You (For You #1)

Author:  Genna Rulon

Genre: New Adult

Publication Date:  September 24, 2013

Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.

 “In its purest form love is self-sacrificing, eternal, selfless, enduring, truthful, forgiving and indulgent. It also feels an awful lot like a kick to the stomach when you try to fight it!

All Everleigh Carsen wanted to do was complete her final semester at Hensley University and begin the life she carefully planned.

When a wave of violent crime seizes campus, Everleigh is persuaded to attend a school sponsored self-defense seminar by her best friend, where she meets volunteer instructor, Hunter Charles. After Everleigh’s biting sarcasm induces Hunter to eject her from class, a tempestuous relationship is born.

Everleigh is determined to forget the striking man, but fate–that fickle shrew–continuously intervenes. Unable to escape him, she declares Hunter an enemy combatant. The only complication… Hunter is resolutely pursuing vindication…by any means necessary. Verbal warfare ensues, and despite Everleigh’s ingenious efforts, in Hunter, she has finally found her equal.

Only For You is a compelling tale of friendship, desire, and redemption--brimming with intelligent characters, witty dialogue, unexpected twists, profound sorrow, unfettered hope, and love’s unassailable perseverance.

Note:  Although this is series, each novel can be read as a stand alone.

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Nicola's Review

5 Bare Naked Stars*****

I must admit, when I first read the synopsis to this book I didn't think it was for me.  It didn't really grasp my attention.  But by god I was wrong.  It completely blew me away and I couldn't put it down until I had finished it.

21 Year old Everleigh Carson is in her final semester at university and just wants it done with so she can move on to the next step of her life.  She has a plan in place and knows exactly what she’s going to be doing. However, getting through this last semester might be more difficult than she thought.

Over the past several months waves of horrific attacks have been made on women at the university. To begin with they’re only being beaten, however through the course of the book these attacks get worse and worse. As a result the school organises self-defence seminars for its female students to attend. Everleigh is dragged to these seminars by her best friend Sam, which she’s not best, pleased about.

“I wanted to participate in self-defence classes about as much as I wanted to slam my hand in a car door.”
It’s here she meets Hunter. Who proceeds to throw her out of the class after she makes fun of one of the instructors. (In her defence, it was absolutely hilarious.) She’s absolutely fuming at this stage because he embarrassed her and is only made worse when she finds out he is one of her classes.  And so it begins, the start of an ongoing battle of verbal warfare and trying to one up on each other.

After calling him an asshole through a Sarah Bareilles song; Hunter searches through them to find which one, which results in Everleigh coming to the conclusion that Hunter is gay.

“What man can quote a scene from the 1939 film classic? That does not happen in real life, hell, it doesn’t even happen in books. I halted hastily in the middle of the parking lot. Of course-how obtuse I have been-it was as obvious as a hooker at a debutant ball-Hunter. Was. Gay. It explained his extraordinary looks, for no straight man looks that good-it’s God’s joke at women’s expense. It explained his dislike of women, at least this woman. It explained his willingness to sit and listen to emotive music and contemplate the lyrical significance. Most importantly, it was the only plausible explanation for him quoting Rhett Butler, the dashing yet scandalous civil war hero from the gold standard of chick flicks.”

So with her new revelation she sets out to ‘befriend’ him and make him Sam and hers ‘third Musketeer’.  Through time they become best friends, inseparable and subsequently falling for him. But, when she starts dating another guy, Hunter has an odd reaction to someone who is meant to be gay. You could say he was jealous.
This leads to them finally having the conversation that confirms he is infact straight and shares the same feelings for Everliegh that she does for him. However, it’s not the right time for him to commit to a relationship therefore they cannot be together.

“I wish things were different, that I was able to give you more. I just can’t, not right now.” ~ Hunter

Everleigh tell him she’s ok with it, and that they can continue with the way things are, but it’s Sam who gets the truth out of her.

“It’s hard enough knowing that he wants me but doesn’t want a relationship with me. I couldn’t deal with knowing he is in love with me and still doesn’t want me. When I’m with him it feels right, like coming home. We fit together. Sam, my heart is already breaking.”

With the attacks still happening, increasing in severity with no indication of the psycho being caught, tension and fear escalates. To try and ease some of that Sam and Everleigh decide to stay in contact. Texting each other to make sure they’re each safe.
You know something is going to happen you just know it, but it doesn't stop you from feeling the fear and panic when it does. I was gripping my kindle with force and pleading that it really wasn't happening. It still has you in tears reading it.
It’s as a result of this incident you finally find out why Hunter couldn't exactly have a relationship with Everleigh, and let’s just say I was not expecting that twist. I had a total OMG moment when you find out.
Will Hunter finally give Everleigh his heart and the relationship they both want? Will the psycho responsible for the attacks be caught?

“There is no man more perfect for me, no one I’d rather spend my life with, no one I will ever want more. But I need someone who wants me equally in return. I love you with every ounce that I am, down to the smallest of my being, but that isn’t enough if you won’t reciprocate.” ~ Everleigh.
“I would do anything for you...anything. The only thing I can’t do is pretend I’m not in love with you.” ~ Everleigh.

I loved this story. The relationship between Hunter and Everleigh was bittersweet and full of sexual tension. The verbal warfare was laugh out loud funny that you just can’t get enough of. But at the centre of it was friendship. I liked that about their relationship and made it more real for me. I loved how Hunter was protective of the girl’s, especially Everleigh.

“If you ever lay your uninvited hands on a woman again, you will regret it.” Hunter snarled. “And if you ever-ever-so much as look at Everleigh, I will destroy you...fuck the consequences.”

But I must admit. What I absolutely loved about this book was the friendship between Sam and Everleigh. They’re friendship is unbreakable. They had been best friends for 15 years, thought of each other as sisters and did everything together. They didn't need words to communicate or to comfort each other; they just knew what each needed at that time and went out of their way to help.

If like me you want to read more of this series. 'Pieces Of You' is released tomorrow - Dec.17th on Amazon.  This is Sam's story. I am really looking forward to reading this and can’t wait to find out what’s next for her.
Also if you fell in love with Everleigh and Hunter in this book and would like to know what was going through Hunter's head. Why not head on over to Genna’s website where you can crawl inside his head and discover what he thought when he first met Everleigh. It’s an awesome read.


Genna Rulon is an up and coming contemporary romance author.

During her 15 years in the corporate world, Genna, inspired by her love of reading, fantasized about penning her own stories. Encouraged by her favorite authors, many of whom are indie writers and self-published, she committed to pursuing her aspirations of writing her own novels.

Genna was raised in Long Island, New York, where she still resides, surrounded by the most amazing family and friends. Married to a wonderful man, who patiently tolerates her ramblings about whichever book she is currently working on, even feigning interest relatively convincingly! Genna is blessed with two little boys who do their best to thwart mommy’s writing time with their hilarious antics and charming extrapolations.

Connect with the Author:  Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Tumblr

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