Wednesday, 22 January 2014

**Blog Tour** Remembering Us by Stacey Lynn

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Title: Remembering Us
Author: Stacey Lynn
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: January 14, 2014

My life was perfectly mapped out for me since before the day I was born. I followed it, begrudgingly, because it’s what was expected.

And then one day, everything changed.

I woke up.

Different. Independent. Free from all the rules that had surrounded me.

Only I have no idea how I got to where I am. I have no memory of graduating college. No memory of Adam, the boyfriend I live with.

He loves me. And I love him. At least that’s what everyone says.

Except when my memories return to me as dreams, I see a different man than the one everyone claims is perfect for me.

He terrifies me. He makes my heart race and he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.

I have no idea if I want to welcome the emotional roller-coaster that his piercing brown eyes and messy black hair puts me on every time I get a glimpse of him, or if I want to run back to the safe shelter of the scripted life-plan that used to be mine.

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Amazon Bestselling Author
Just One Song and Just One Week
Don't Lie to Me, released on July 15, 2013
Remembering Us - coming January, 2014

I am a wife, a mom, and a writer. I can often be found curled up on the couch with a good book, or obsessively eating Skittles in a very complicated and organized manner. No joke.

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Claire's Review

4 Bare Naked Stars ****

The story begins with Amy and Adam in therapy. It becomes clear she has been in a nasty accident and has lost all memory of the last 2 years of her life. The 2 years she's had with Adam.

She's understandably scared and confused and to almost make matters worse her only recollections are coming in dreams, so she doesn't know what's real and what isn't.

Adam is also struggling. The woman he loves (or so we believe at this point) doesn't remember him, or trust him, and certainly doesn't love him any more.

Amy's dreams are often about the upsetting times in they're relationship, we all have ups and downs and Adam is being forced to relive every ‘down’ they've had again, as Amy doesn't know what it means. She withdraws, pushing him farther and farther away.

**“Reliving all these dreams every week is almost as exhausting as having them in the first place. Talking about them doesn’t make anything better.”**

As the book progresses I became unsure if Adam had hurt her, but her best friend, and parents seem accepting of him in her life, however, that suspicion remained for the majority of the book.

He's clearly hiding something from her, they all seem to be, insisting its for her own good but causing more upset and confusion for Amy.

**“But I’m so exhausted. The small flashes of memory I’ve gotten are so different than the man I dream about. How can he be so completely different? He drinks too much, he swears even more, and he can go from laughing to yelling in the blink of an eye.
But his touch. One simple touch and I want to fall into his arms and never leave. One taste of him and I still haven’t fully cooled off from the heat it sent through my body.”**

Slowly but surely the pieces of the puzzle come together for Amy and she starts to uncover the truth. Can her relationship with Adam withstand the stress and can Adam wait for her, or did he cause this with his bursts of anger?

I enjoyed 'Remembering Us' and loved that it kept you guessing until very near the end.


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