Monday, 20 January 2014

**Blog Tour** Shelter You by Alice Montalvo-Tribue

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Title: Shelter You
Author: Alice Montalvo-Tribue
Release Date : January 14, 2014

She's mine.

That was the first thought that came to my mind when I held my baby in my arms at seventeen. I didn't care that my parents had already promised to give her to a wealthy family. That they were forcing me to give her away.

She was mine.

I ran away from that hospital, from that family, from the only life I knew. I planned to start over with what little money I had, determined to make something of myself despite the odds.

Then Logan Tate came along.

Gorgeous and controlling, he claimed he was trying to help me, and he didn't care that I was just another teenage pregnancy story.

But I don’t trust him. I don't trust anyone. And if Logan knew the real secrets and lies I was keeping inside, he wouldn't dare try to shelter me.

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Alice Montalvo-Tribue lives with her husband and daughter in New Jersey. She has a bachelors degree in communications and is currently working on her masters degree. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and when the weather permits lounging out on a beach.

Nicola's Review

4 Bare Naked Stars****

I love every one of Alice Montalvo-Tribue’s books. ‘Translation of Love’ and ‘Desperation of Love’ were amazing and this story is no different. It will have you sucked in from the very first page and have you wishing the characters get the Happily Ever After they deserve.

Mia Reynolds finds herself in a really tough and life changing situation. She’s 17 and just given birth to her baby girl Lilly. After holding her baby for the first time, she makes the snap decision to keep her baby, despite what her parents are forcing her to do. With the help of a nurse, she escapes the clutches of her parents and her old life, vowing to be the best mother she can be to her little girl.

“She’s the kind of complication I wouldn’t trade for the word. No matter how unexpectedly she was created"

Once she arrives at her final destination, she starts to settle, and finally feel free.  Here she meets Logan ~dreamy sigh~ Officer Logan Tate to be precise. He is the hot, 24 year old police officer who is determined to help the young mum and her new born.
When something happens, Mia has to call 911, and who is the person to take the callout. Officer Logan Tate. The result of that callout has Logan stepping up his determination to help and shows his authoritive side.

 “Logan, I barely even know you. We’ve met twice and both times were under intense circumstances.”
“You can trust me.”
“No, I can’t!” I shout, sounding more and more agitated. “I don’t trust you. Why would you put yourself out there for someone you barely know?”
“I put myself out there for people I don’t know all the time. Tonight I’m doing it because I want to, because I can.”
I shake my head. “That’s not good enough.”
“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Get your things now.”

Making the best of a complicated situation Mia starts to settle in to living with Logan. Gradually they’re attraction to one another increases as well as the sexual tension. And slowly, Logan starts to break down Mia’s wall and gain her trust by showing her just how caring, protective and affectionate he is.  And in the end he wins out.

“I don’t know how to do this, Mia. I usually just go for what I want, say what I mean, I don’t hold my tongue at all, but with you I sense that I need to tread carefully, like you need time to process what is happening here.”
“What if you decided it’s all too much? I’m scared.”
“I know baby, but you’re here, you’re with me and you and Lily are safe. And when it comes down to it, I want you, I want you both, I want to be mine. Do you want that to?”
“I...Yes. Yes, I think so.”

But can Mia and Logan build their relationship without something coming along and ruining it?

“How did I ever get so lucky? How did this even happen? I ran away thinking it would just be Lily and me forever and I was ok with that as long as I got to be with her but you...this...not even in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined finding someone like you.”
“I know you think it’s all going to go away but it’s not. I promise you that I’m not going anywhere. I love you, both of you.”

Is love enough?  Will Mia’s parents catch up with her and force her to give up Lily? And what of Lily’s father? Will he decide to show face in Mia’s life now she has kept her daughter?

I am absolutely in awe of Mia. Of her courage and determination to fight and keep her daughter with her no matter what. And then there’s Logan. He shows Mia “that good things can happen even in the hardest of times, that there is a light beyond the dark”. And they are perfect for each other.
This is not your typical story of a teenage pregnancy. Mia is not a teenager who acts on hormones and experimentations with a boy.  There is so much more than meets the eye, and you will see that.
It really is an amazing book to read.  And I would recommend everyone to pick up a copy and get captured in Mia, Lily and Logan’s story.

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