Saturday, 11 October 2014

**Saturday Spotlight** Unexpected J.J. Lore

Good morning, Gray here, I am back today with J. J. Lore, who stopped by to answer a few questions.

What are you working on at the minute?
Currently I’m halfway through the first draft of a new erotic sci-fi, I’m editing a sweet contemporary, and I’m helping to plan a writing conference for our local RWA chapter.

Do you ever experience writers block?
Not yet, knock on wood! I really love to write and ache for quiet time to do it, so once I have that moment to myself, it all rushes out and I type as rapidly as possible because there’s always going to be another interruption in a few minutes.

Do you have a writing process?
About three quarters of the way through the first draft, I get my idea for my next book. My rule is I have to finish the first one before I can start on the next. When I’m free, I get out a composition book and open it to the middle and start brainstorming. Towards the back of the book I write out backstory, character studies, and explore where the characters are in different parts of the story. At the front of the notebook, I write down ideas for scenes and put together a loose chronology. Once I feel I have a good handle on how the main plot points hold up, I open up Word and start typing.

What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?
I find myself writing about cross-cultural misunderstandings a lot. I have a degree in anthropology, so it’s a natural thing for me to consider and I believe you can create some interesting conflict by acknowledging it. For example in my latest book, Unexpected, my two heroes are completely befuddled by the idea of dating. They know they want the heroine as soon as they see her and in their culture it’s completely normal and understood. However, for my human woman, she’s naturally much more cautious, especially since the men come on very strong. The men have to dial back their impulses and they have a lot of trouble communicating with her initially.

Did you have a hand in designing your cover?
Not much beyond letting the designers at Sour Cherry know the basics of skin tone, build, and hair color. The Planet Alpha books have a specific look laid out by Evernight, so they take it from there. All my covers have been delicious, so I’m happy to hand over the reins on that one.

Spitfire section. What do you think of when I say these words.

Black - leather

Whips - hurt

Toys - Legos

Pain - Tylenol

Grass-fed beef

Sand- in my clothes

Favorite color - green

Favorite scent – cut grass

Favorite food – futomaki sushi

Favorite song – Puccini’s Nessun Dorma. It’s beautiful and melancholy

A book recommendation for this month (other than your own)) – The Janissary Tree by Jason Goodwin. It’s a unique spin on the traditional detective novel since the investigator is a eunuch in 1830’s Istanbul.

What you look forward to this month – cooler air, changing leaves, and getting to wear cashmere again

A little bit about J.J. Lore’s latest  Unexpected
As two Alphan warriors on the fast track to promotion and improved status, Mikel and Felix of the Tauride have their future planned out. But a chance encounter with a lovely young woman sends them down a markedly different path.

Shy Alisa Sorrel merely wanted to see a rose garden, then retreat back to her safe and sequestered life in the Women’s Refuge on Earth, but once she encounters two earnest and determined Alphan officers, she’s forced out of her shell and into a whole new world of passion.

Even as the bonds they share tighten and satisfy needs they’d never imagined, Alisa, Felix, and Mikel are soon faced with danger and betrayal from the machinations of humans and Alphans alike. The Alphans will have the chance to rescue their fair damsel after all, but will they make it in time?

A little bit about J.J. Lore
J. J. Lore needs three things; strong, black coffee, time to write, and…well…you can guess the third. When she isn’t inventing fantastical tales filled with passionate people, she’s shaking sriracha on whatever she’s eating or reading about the Justinian plague.

Find J.J Lore online

J.R. Gray is a sadist author who likes long walks towards gut wrenching cliff hangers. Check out Gray’s book Legally Bound and the sequel Breach of Contract.

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