Thursday, 7 May 2015

**Blog Tour** In the Mix by Jacquelyn Ayres

Book: In The Mix
Author: Jacquelyn Ayres
Genre: Erotic/Romance/Humor

*** This book contains the GEGs! For those of you who don't understand that warning: GEGs= strong language. gut-busting LOL moments caused by best friends who check their maturity at the door when they're together, and impromptu Kegel exercises. This book does not come with batteries.

Though it can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the series in order since all books will have a continuation of EVERYONE'S story. Enjoy! ***

CiCi O’Brien has a weapon of mass destruction—her mouth. It’s always loaded and ready to strike, whether the situation calls for laughter or a professional smartass. It’s been her strongest defense against unwanted feelings over the past fifteen years. If she acts like she doesn’t care, then she won’t, right?

Yeah . . . keep telling yourself that, Ceese!

Luckily for CiCi, she’s surrounded by friends and family who can easily see through her façade. They (and the furballs she takes care of at work) are who enrich her life, have been the ones she’s needed. That is, until the day her life changed—when she grabbed it by the balls.

No, seriously . . . she grabbed him by the balls. Not kidding.

Kyle Cooper has it all. He’s smart, handsome, and a ninja (not really, but that’s what Mitch likes to call him). As vice president of Colton Technologies, he travels around the world with Mitch, bringing companies the latest innovations in automobile technology. At home, he’s a force to be reckoned with, always hanging out with his parents and sister or . . . working.


Kyle Cooper does not have it all, and he’s ready for a change. He just isn’t sure where to begin. That is, until CiCi O’Brien walks into his office and grabs this bull by the . . . horns (wink), which causes a spark to ignite in both of them. Kyle embraces it. CiCi does everything, short of calling the fire department, to put it out. Who will prevail? And what will that win truly mean?

Wendy's 5 star review:

If you thought Under Contract was good, I can promise you In the Mix is better.  In fact I think this is Jac’s best book yet.  Cici is hysterical and she has certainly met her match in Kyle.

CiCi has built a wall around her so high that Kyle is going to need mountain climbing equipment to scale that sucker.  She uses her innapropriate mouth to deflect any attention people throw her way, giving her an air of confidence I certainly wish I had.

But dig a little deeper and she is covering a whole world of insecurities and heartache that she isn’t prepared to share.

For Kyle it is love a first ball grab, you’ll understand soon enough.  He is totally besotted and bewitched by this sassy, snarky beauty who grabbed him by the balls.  Now to scale the wall of defence.

And as much as she tries to deny it she too is a little smitten

I am a domestic engineer (born and raised in NJ) whose sole responsibility is to guide three young, impressionable kids into becoming phenomenal adults. This challenging yet rewarding work requires a lot of love (coffee), patience (wine), and determination (periodic exorcisms). I work this magic from the beautiful state of New Hampshire.

Before becoming a domestic goddess (not really), I spent over a decade in the medical field, where I wore more hats than the Queen.

I have loved the written word and the great escape it provides since I was a little girl. When I wasn't reading about people and the places they lived, I was creating my own characters and adventures.

Finding myself again through my writing in The Lost & Found Series, The One, and The GEG Series has been nothing short of a dream come true. Also, it makes people feel better when I laugh randomly or talk to myself, knowing it's my characters and not "the voices" . . . that would be creepy.

Other Books in the Series

Under Contract

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