Antagonize me
by T.L. Smith
Release Date: May 5, 2015
Goodreads -- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25119156-antagonize-me

I wanted what she had, she had what I wanted. With her long blonde hair and her legs that never ended, she had him, but I wanted him.
We can’t always have what we want, and sometimes that’s the way life is meant to be. Sometimes destiny places other people in our path, a path that should not be mixed. But also sometimes, just sometimes, the paths cross, causing an explosive reaction.
Tanner was my crush. A crush that I’ve had since I first laid eyes on him. But now he’s dating my friend… my beautiful, flawless and perfect friend.
Then out of nowhere Kyrone bursts into my life, taking me over bit by bit. I don’t know how to feel about that. I don’t know what to do. He frustrates me. He annoys me. But most of all, he makes me smile.

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1zu4nIn
Kobo - http://bit.ly/1De2krF
Nook - http://bit.ly/1DVo8Jc

T.L. lives in Brisbane, Australia with her 2 children. She started writing because of her love of reading. T.L. acknowledges she could never do what she does if it wasn’t for the bloggers that pimp her and the fans that support her and read her books.
From T.L.
I love to read, absolutely love it.
Let's rephrase that I'm bloody addicted, I would read a book a day.
I live in beautiful Queensland and have for nearly my whole life, I have 2 beautiful children that always put a smile on my face.
I'm a vivid dreamer and decided one day I was going to let it all pour out into a book. I like emotion and i try to put as much as possible in there <3
Tara's 5 Bare Naked Stars ***** Review
“We can’t always have what we want, and sometimes that’s the way life is meant to be.
Sometimes destiny places other people in our path, a path that should not be mixed. But also sometimes, just sometimes, the paths cross, causing an explosive reaction.”
This was my first read from T.L. and it will not be my last. Her writing style is honest and direct.Relationships are not all flowers and teddy bears, and T.L. showed us this with Antagonize Me.
She takes us into the struggles that come with relationships, and with life in general.
“My smile is forced now, trying to hide the pieces of my heart that have shattered with his gift. It’s nothing special to anyone else, but to us, we'll, it was our beginning.”
CJ is a relatable character. She’s real and doesn’t take shit from anyone. She's not afraid to be herself, and she also sees people for who they are. The demons that CJ deals with opens your heart up for her. Then there is Kyrone! Kyrone, Kyrone, Kyrone...The ultimate bad boy that will do bad things to you...oh yes please! He has a smart mouth, hot bod, and some surprises behind his tough guy exterior. When these two strong characters connect, watch out! You willnot be able to put Antagonize Me down.
“I think I should not break him any more than this will. He doesn’t need to love someone with
holes in them. Everyone I love, something goes wrong, or someone dies, or someone leaves.
He deserves better, so much better than me.”
I love the honest approach that T.L. took when she wrote Antagonize Me. I find that her words are very touching and truthful, and she doesn’t shy away from writing about serious situations. I look forward to reading more books from T.L. Smith!!

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