Friday, 15 July 2016

**Cover Reveal** Surrender to More by Rachel De Lune

Book: Surrender to More

Author: Rachel De Lune

Genre: Erotic Romance


Trust. A simple notion for some, but impossibly out of reach for Jessica Riley. The walls around her heart are built high from betrayal and years of keeping everyone at arm’s length. She’s happy with the way her life is, or so she thought.

Hardcore Dom, Lucas Clark, was immediately drawn to Jessica. As their paths continue to cross, Lucas tests Jessica’s submissive nature, as well as her steadfast resolve to keep her emotions out of her relationships. He wants more than just sex. He demands Jess’ trust. The one thing she keeps locked away.

As their bond intensifies, Jessica fears that this Greek God will put the pieces of her heart back together. Family, marriages and ghosts of her past all plague her ability to trust her own decisions, especially the ones that revolve around love.

A woman who’s afraid of heartbreak fights her own surrender against the man who doesn’t let her play it safe anymore.

Meet the Author

Rachel De Lune writes emotionally driven erotic romance. She began scribbling her stories in the pages of a notebook several years ago. Today, she’s still scribbling stories of dominance and submission and is looking forward to releasing more books to the world.

Rachel lives in the South West of England and daydreams about shoes, lingerie and chocolate, in-between being a mum and a wife. She would love to give up her day job to devote more time to her scribbles.  For every woman who’s ever desired more.

Social Links

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“Excuse me, Ms. Riley?” A deep, smoky voice catches the attention of every atom of my being.

“Yes.” My breathy response embarrasses me. “Um, yes. That’s me.” I straighten in my seat, before I turn my eyes up to the man who spoke my name. Holy Jesus Christ!  A tall, dark haired, green eyed god stands before me. He holds out his hand to introduce himself.

“I’m Dr. Clark. Dr. Cross is running a little late. I thought I could get started with some of the paper work while we wait.” I watch his lips move and I think I can hear the words. My arm moves of its own volition towards his palm. My hand slides into his and the gentle squeeze of his fingers around mine melts a part of me inside. We shake. The contact lasts longer than I’d usually be happy with. Not this time. I don’t want to drop his hand.

“Pleased to meet you.” My voice isn’t even recognisable as mine. I look up into his eyes and see them darken before me, the pupils grow wider. My heart beats wildly in my chest and I seat myself back down before my legs give out. 

Dr. Clark steps around me and takes a seat at the other end of the sofa. A cool, fresh scent fills my senses as he passes and makes my core contract with excitement.

“If you would fill this out, please.” He hands me a clipboard with some papers attached to it. I pull my focus from the good Doctor and look at what he’s handed me. Name, address, date of birth… mundane basic information to register with The Clark Practice.

I dutifully start writing my details with the pen clipped to the board. I try, really hard, not to sneak a few glances back to Dr. Clark, but I can’t stop myself. My eyes feel drawn to him. Magnetically being pulled to admire his stubble covered jaw, his forest green eyes. Through the tops of my lashes I notice that he hasn’t stopped his watch of me. That thought heats my body faster than baking in the midday sun.

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