Tuesday, 2 May 2017

**Blog Tour** Marcus by Victoria L. James

Book: Marcus (A Natexus Novel)
Author: Victoria L. James
Genre: Contemporary Romance


Five weeks after Natalie walked out of my life, I was forced to go back to the start. Twice I’d given my heart to those who didn’t want it, leaving me alone again wondering who I was, where I was meant to be going, and what I stood for.
Loneliness became my new best friend, no matter how hard I tried to deny it. Bitterness threatened to take over and turn me into somebody I wasn’t. Nothing made me feel alive anymore. Nothing made me happy.
Until she arrived. Her. The girl no one was meant to fall in love with—especially not me. Especially not then.
We didn’t know that our time together was fleeting. Our futures were already shaped for us, weaved together by a string of events that were destined to tear us apart if we let them. I just wasn’t willing to go down without a fight this time.
Not all men give up so easily, and the scars on my heart had made me stronger. If anyone could beat the cruel hand of fate, it was me. All I had to do was believe.
In me. In her. In us.
That beautiful, unexpected, thrilling, surprise love of mine.
~ Marcus Anderson

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Meet the Author

Victoria L James is a teenage girl stuck in a thirty-something year-olds body. Living somewhere 'oop north' in England, she has had a strong passion for words and stories going as far back as she can remember, which she credits to her grandmother and her love of reading anything that was on sale and cheap from the local market stall. Never once did she think she would release a novel, though. At best, she thought her love of language and her ability to create stories in her mind would provide her with a 'get out of jail free' card whenever she messed up and her parents were mad at her during her teenage years... and when even that didn't work out, she thought she was pretty much done for.

When an opportunity presented itself for her to take a back seat from paid working life for a few years, she knew straight away that she had to try and write about a few of these worlds she'd come up with along the way, and quieten all the voices in her head without racking up a heavy psychiatry bill for the pleasure.

Wearing her heart on her sleeve and trying to lighten her friends’ and family’s lives with naff, and more often than not, badly timed, nineties jokes, she has yet to learn the art of knowing when to shut up. Which is another reason writing became a passion of hers. With pen and paper, there are no limits.

A firm believer in never quitting, with a ridiculous obsession for all things Rocky, she hopes that one day she writes a story that will inspire at least one person out there to keep on going if they're struggling. Other than that, she's just a regular old converse wearing, corona sipping, English version of Chandler Bing, who loves and adores her family more than life itself. Oh, and she also has two cats. Every writer has to mention their cats, right?

Other Books in the Series

Download Natexus (book one) here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01B8I03HM

Download All the Way (book two) here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MF8SF9K

5***** Review by Tara

Ooooo Marcus!  I loved him in Natexus, but after reading Marcus, I'm a wee bit obsessed with him!!  And well, the hot Viking friend too!!!  

"I gazed into her eyes as though she was looking straight back at me, and I felt the ghost of her and all the times we’d shared tickle my spine with fond memories. I just couldn’t find it in me to forget the ultimate memory that broke my heart: the moment she turned her back and walked away."

Always being dealt the losing hand in the world of love, Marcus has had enough. Deciding to live his life, Marcus embraces being single. But when memories revisit him, Marcus can't help but feel like he's second place...again. When a whirlwind enters the scene, she turns Marcus' world upside down. Spending time together opens Marcus' eyes and his heart. When a tragedy happens, lost loves, broken hearts and future dreams are tested. 

"But no amount of creativity could shine so brightly that it made me completely unaware of the greyer world I was now living in. It was emptier, but not empty. I knew that. I just had to ride the wave of this time in my life. No big deal."

Victoria's writing carries you away like you are in a dream. Her words flow so magically together, you are transported right into the story. Victoria also did my favourite thing...she lets us revisit characters from Natexus!  I love this because it feels like her books blend so well together!  This is a story that needed to be told, Marcus needed a voice, and Victoria L. James was the only one that could give him one!!

"There’s a happily ever after out there for everyone. You’ve just got to be willing to wait, and willing to change all the rules once they find you."

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